Robert Xie

Geo (G) – Ms. Rosner

October 25th, 2004

China Portfolio

China Portfolio


Although China has taken measures to slow down the exploding population, new problems have also emerged in the process. China’s rising life expectancy increases the amount of retired old people in the population. The one child policy has also caused many new couples to have to support themselves and an average of 4 aged dependants. This rapidly growing dependency population draws on large amounts of resources off the community and government such as healthcare and pension.

What can be done:

China has made adjustments to its once child policy allowing two single children couples to have two children. . This will ensure that the current aging population crisis to have a quick halt. In the next two to three decades the average family will only have to support two aged dependants.

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Choropleth map (fig. 1.1):

China’s population is mainly distributed across the East China and Southeast China. This is because of major rivers, which provide a reliable water supply; flat arable lands, which provide soil that are suitable for growing crops; large port cities that provide opportunity for trade; temperate climates that are more comfortable to live in. China’s west side is very sparsely populated or even uninhabited due to the following reasons:

To the northwest, the desert and wastelands that lack a reliable water source and have great temperature change discourage people living there; to the southwest the ...

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