Earthquakes-Why do some areas suffer more than others?

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Earthquakes-Why do some areas suffer more than others?

The main defining point of this question is where the specific area is. Whether it is situated on a boundary or close to it. Earthquakes have been experienced in areas such as England where it was assumed that no seismic activity was present here. This was until it was discovered that England has many fault lines running through the country. Other areas that have experienced earthquakes and do not lie on plate boundaries are areas known as hot spots i.e. Hawaii. From figure 3,51 in the text book it is clear that most of the seismic activity is experienced on or near the plate margins that make up the crust of the earth surface. This is due to the high activity at these points where new material is ‘created’ or ‘destroyed’. From fig 3.51 I can deduce one other aspect of earthquakes and that is that there is a far greater number of reported earthquakes on the eastern sea board of Asia which runs down throughout Indonesia and continues down most of the western rim of the pacific ocean. This high concentration continues down the western coast of South America. These high frequency of earthquakes is in direct proportion to the mid Atlantic ridge where the north American plate is diverging from the Eurasian and the south American plate is diverging from the African plate. The question is why is there such a noticeable difference in the frequency of earthquakes at these plate margins. The answer lies in the type of activity that is being produced from the plate movement at these points. This theory all ties in to the volcanic activity that is present at these plates. On the mid-Atlantic ridge where the plates are diverging lava is easily deposited on to the surface without a great amount of force required in comparison to destructive margins, this therefore correlates to the lower numbers of earthquakes. Destructive margins on the other hand create much stronger forces, as one of the plates becomes subducted under the other. This requires tremendous amounts of energy, which are released as earthquakes. This correlates to high number of earthquakes at destructive plate margins as higher energies are exerted. This is also the case with conservative plate margins. Destructive and conservative plate boundaries are more likely to have a high frequency and magnitude than constructive margins due to the different energy levels produced. This is important because we can now estimate areas that are going to be under larger threats from violent earthquakes and which are not. From the above I can determine that areas near conservative and destructive plates are going to under a larger threat than areas along constructive plate margins.

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        Apart from the geological features such as plate boundaries the other main reason why different areas suffer in different ways comes down to human influences, for example, development and the hazards associated with developed and developing areas. Some places are considered to potentially suffer more because there is a far greater risk for people and property. If an earthquake was to hit an urban area the chances of damage from the hazard are greater than that if the earthquake struck in the countryside for example. This means the urban area would suffer more. There are many other factors, which do ...

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