Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts of Tourism: Antipodes

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Economic, Social and Environmental Impacts of Tourism: Antipodes

Table of Contents

Introduction------------------------------------------------------        3

Economic Impact------------------------------------------------        3

Social Impact----------------------------------------------------        4

Environmental Impact------------------------------------------        6

Conclusion-------------------------------------------------------        7

Reference--------------------------------------------------------        8

Appendices-------------------------------------------------------        9


This report will look at the Economic, Social and Environmental impacts of tourism in Antipodes (Australia & New Zealand) on both positive and negative views. The Antipodes has a rich relationship with the tourism industry, with people all over the world visit every year, tourism delivers significant benefits, also problems to Antipodes.


Positive Impact

International tourist coming to the area will bring in much needed foreign exchange into the local economy. In Australia, 2001-2002 tourism generated 4.5 per cent of gross domestic product and 11.2 per cent of exports, was the largest export earner within the service sector, had total visitor consumption of $17 billion, and directly employed 549 000 persons.

Tourism can be a significant, even essential, part of the local economy. As the environment is a basic component of the tourism industry's assets, tourism revenues are often used to measure the economic value of protected areas. For example,

Tourism can induce the local government to make infrastructure improvements such as better water and sewage systems, roads, electricity, telephone and public transport networks, all of which can improve the quality of life for residents as well as facilitate tourism.

Tourism can generate jobs directly through hotels, restaurants, nightclubs, taxis, and souvenir sales, and indirectly through the supply of goods and services needed by tourism-related businesses. According to the , tourism supports some 7% of the world's workers

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Negative Impact

There are many hidden costs to tourism, which can have unfavourable economic effects on the host community. Often rich countries are better able to profit from tourism than poor ones. Whereas the least developed countries have the most urgent need for income, employment and general rise of the standard of living by means of tourism, they are least able to realize these benefits. Among the reasons for this are large-scale transfer of tourism revenues out of the host country and exclusion of local businesses and products.

Diversification in an economy is a sign of health, however ...

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