EOGRAPHY GCSE CASE STUDIES AND NOTESUse geographical terms in your answers wherever possible

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Use geographical terms in your answers wherever possible

Understand meaning of terms used in questions:-

explain = give reasons for

describe = say what it shows

distribution = how things are arranged, where they can be found

relief = shape of the land

layout = where things are

pattern/trend = things that are the same

site = actual position

situation = its surroundings

rural/urban = country/town


housing tenure/density = ownership/how many in a given area

ecosystem = area sharing common characteristics

Theme 1 - Physical systems & Environments

a Geomorphic Processes and Landforms





hydraulic action








95% of river's energy used in transportation

oxbow lakes





as above

weakness in rock enlarges = cave = arch = stack = stump

long shore drift (waves in on diagonal due to wind, out at right angles due to gravity)











ribbon lake



material at edge of glacier



outwash plains

terminal moraines


Water Cycle

precipitation - water falling as rain, hail, sleet, snow

condensation - water change vapour - liquid

evaporation - water change liquid - vapour

infiltration - water seeping into ground/soil

interception - trees and plants stop rain from reaching the ground


A river is a channel of water flowing down hill under the influence of gravity. It starts in the mountains (source) and meanders towards the sea (mouth)

River Erosion

* Energy - the capacity of a river to erode and transport sediments of mud, sand and gravel

* Erosion - break down, transportation and deposition of rock

* Transport - carrying and moving sediments downstream

* Load - sediments and material transported by a river

* Excess energy - spare energy not needed to transport river's load

* Deposition - dropping any material the river can no longer transport

* Traction - rolling stones along river bed (needs most energy)

* Saltation - sand-sized particles bounce along river bed

* Suspension - silt and clay-sized particles carried within water flow

* Solution - some minerals dissolve in water (needs least energy)

* Velocity - the speed of the flowing water

* Wetted perimeter - the outside banks and bed of a river and any obstacles that come into contact with the water.

* meander - s-shape bends in river as it moves over flood plain. Water flows fastest on outside of bend, therefore more erosion here, eventually causing ledge to form and collapse. Deposition occurs on inside of bend, where water flow is slowest

* Delta - river deposition builds up area of silt/new land when it meets the sea

* Potholes - large, smooth, circular holes in river bed

* Oxbow lakes - horse shoe shaped lakes, formerly bends in the river which have been flooded

* Drainage basin - area from which the river collects its water

* Braiding - river divides into two or more channels

The main aim of a river is to flatten the surface of the land by

. corrosion - acids dissolve rocks

. attrition - rocks hit one another and break into smaller pieces

. hydraulic action - force of water breaks off part of the bank

. corrasion - small rocks 'sand-paper' or smooth larger ones

Floods caused by built up on river banks of silt or alluvium deposited by river. Over a period of time silt builds up and forms a levee.

Soil Erosion and Deserts

Problems caused by overgrazing, gulleying, overcultivation, deforestation, desertification

Overgrazing - too many animals = shortage of trees and grass

Deforestation - trees cut down = land useless and prone to landslides etc

Desertification - deserts spread. Causes:-

* population increase = need more food, crops

* overcultivation and overgrazing

* cutting down of rainforests, especially for fuel

poor irrigation

Solutions:- terracing, contour ploughing, afforestation, strip cultivation, shelter belts, vegetation

Case Study - Kenya

* Savanna grassland

* nomadic maasai tribe, now have to stay in one place

* overgrazing

* overcultivation

* deforestation

Solutions: walls following contours, plant trees


Limestone = sedimentary rock, laid down in separated layers. Water enters through swallow holes on surface and travels along bedding planes and down joints. Chemical weathering causing stalactites and stalagmites to form.

Wave Erosion

. hydraulic pressure

. corrasion

. corrosion

. attrition

Sea attacks foot of cliff - wavecut platform. Cracks get wider and deeper until waves cut through, forming an arch. Blowhole forms. Further undercutting causes arch to collapse, leaving stack, then stump.

Spit - area of sand or shingle extending at a gentle angle out to sea or across a river. Often hook shaped

Bar - barrier of sand along a sheltered bay, often forming fresh water lagoon on landward side

Tombolo - deposition joins an island to the mainland

Longshore drift - zig-zag movement of material (sand, rocks, pebbles, boulders, seaweed) along the coast line.

Waves go up the beach at an angle because of the prevailing wind and return at right angles due to gravity

strength of waves affected by wind, distance wind travels (fetch) and how low wind blows.

2 kinds of waves - constructive (build up beach), destructive (remove material from beach)


Precipitation falling as snow or water turns into ice. Ice moves downhill under force of gravity. Glacier carries material (moraine) by freeze and thaw weathering on surface of glacier or underneath it. Moraine is deposited on thawing.

Erosion by glaciers:-

abrasion - material acts like sand paper wearing away floor of valley

plucking - ice freezes and sticks to rock

aretes - knife-edged ridge formed when two corries cut back to back

pyramidal peak - three or more corries cut towards each other

hanging valleys - smaller glacier meets larger one and is unable to erode any further

glacial deposition

moraine - all rock debris carried by ice

terminal moraine - large unsorted mound, deposited at snout of glacier

ground moraine - jumble mass of boulders, sand and clay, deposited under ice

drumlins - small hillocks of boulder clay, moulded by ice flowing over them

lateral moraine - rocks lying at each side of glacier. When ice melts they form terraces of unsorted deposits on valley sides

recessional moraine -

erratics - rocks and boulders picked up, transported and deposited by glaciers many kilometers away.

Theme 1 - Physical Systems & Environments

b Atmospheric Processes and Climate

Weather & Climate

* microclimate - climate in a small area

* weather - day to day conditions eg changes in temperature, rainfall, pressure, wind speed, wind direction, humidity

* climate - average weather for that region over a longer period of time

* climate of British Isles - moderate/temperate climate - affected by sea (prevailing SW wind blowing over the warm Gulf Stream or North Atlantic Drift))

* anti-cyclones (high pressure) = settled weather - clockwise wind direction

* depressions (low pressure) = unsettled weather - anticlockwise wind direction

Case Study - Savanna climate - Kenya

* 15 deg north + south of Equator

* grassland under threat from desertification

* due to natural factors - thunderstorms, drought, fires, large herds wild animals grazing and destroying land

* due to human activity - new houses, maize crops, Maasai collecting firewood, domestic animals (cows, goats) overgrazing
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Climate - 900 mm rainfall per year (3 months without rain = Nov, Dec, Jan) max rain August 270 mm - convectional rainfall

temperature 26 deg to 34 deg centigrade

Vegetation - Baobab tree - 10 metre trunk, few small leaves, thick bark, long tap root - adapts to hot dry weather by storing water in rainy season

Global Warming

Ozone layer of gases controls earth's temperature, pollution changes this layer eg methane, CFC's, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide

3deg rise in temperature may cause:-

* climactic belts to change

* ...

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