Evolution of management theories.

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  Laid the groundwork for subsequent, broader inquires into the nature of management.


·       Robert Owen: He laid the groundwork for the human relation movement. He was the one who realized the importance of human resources and emphasized on improving the living conditions of the employees.


·       Charles Babbage: known as the “ father of modern computing”. He introduced the concept of work specialization i.e. the degree to which work is divided into various jobs.


·       Henry R. Towne: realized that management techniques could be applied factories. He outlined the importance of management as a science and called for the development of management principles that cannot be used in all types of management situations.




 A management approach that emphasizes the total organization and ways to improve overall effectiveness and efficiency. Have three approaches:


Scientific Management: A management perspective that focuses on the rational scientific study of work situations to improve efficiency.


·       Fredrick Winslow Taylor: he came up with time and motion study. The study involves breaking down the work tasks into various elements or motions, eliminating unnecessary motions, and determining the next way to do a job.


·       Frank & Lillian Gilbreth: He also proposed motion studies to remove the unnecessary work motions in a work.


·       Henry L. Gantt: He came up Gantt chart, a graphic aid to planning, scheduling and control, that is still used today.


Bureaucratic management: A management approach that emphasizes a structured organization in which positions and authority are defined according to formal rules. Max Weber was the prominent follower of this approach.


Administrative management: A management approach that stresses the function of the organization and management by planning, organizing, leading and controlling.


·       Henri fayol: Gave functional approach to management, focussed on the functions of management


·       Chester Barnard: Came up with “ acceptance theory of authority”. This theory states that the authority not only depends on one who orders but also on the willingness of who receives the order.

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A management perspective that focuses on the nature and impact of individual and group behaviors on the organizations.


Early Behaviorists: Hugo Minsterberg and Mary Parker follet contributed ideas that made the behavioral perspective a major viewpoint. Hugo is called “the father of industrial psychology”. He did the study of human behavior in work settings.


Hawthorne Studies: Emphasized on concern for workers


Human relation movement: A management perspective that views employees as responding to the interpersonal processes within the organization. The two theorists that made contribution in this field are:


·       Abraham ...

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