Geography: a Destructive Plate Margin and Constructive Plate Margin.

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These are the plates and were they meet

Were the arrows are pushing against each other this is called a DESTRUCTIVE PLATE MARGIN here a oceanic plate and a lighter continental plate push against each other the oceanic being heavier is pushed down into the mantle and melted down then the magma finds a crack or hole and pushes the magma above the ground to form a volcano. Where the plates are pulling away from each other this is called a CONSTRUCTIVE PLATE MARGIN here an oceanic and a continental plate pull apart from each other. Magma rises to fill the gap and if it reaches the surface it erupts as a volcano. Over time the ridge is built up by volcanic successive eruptions and volcanic islands may appear above the surface of the ocean e.g. surtsey.
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Plate Boundary




Constructive plate boundaries

Constructive plate boundaries occur when two plates move away from each other

North American and Eurasian Plate

Destructive plate boundaries

Destructive plate boundaries occur when an oceanic plate is forced under a continental plate

Pacific Plate and the Eurasian Plate

Conservative plate boundaries

Conservative plate boundaries occur when two plates slide past each other.

North American Plate and the Pacific Plate

Collision plate boundaries

Collision plate boundaries occur when two ...

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