Globalisation isn't only about what is 'out there', remote and far away from the individual. It is an 'in here' phenomenon too, influencing intimate and personal aspects of our lives" Discuss

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Stephen Rooney

"It is wrong to think of globalisation as just concerning the big systems, like the financial order. Globalisation isn't only about what is 'out there', remote and far away from the individual. It is an 'in here' phenomenon too, influencing intimate and personal aspects of our lives" Discuss

Globalisation is the occurrence of advances in transport and communication technology. We no longer live as separate systems or societies but as one collective organism. The world as we know it is getting smaller and we now have no geographical boundaries. With the advances in technology there has been a shift in power. Industries, politics, culture, finance and economies are controlled by fewer individuals. This is globalisation on an 'out there' level where it only affects the individuals involved and not the lives of the average person. The individuals not directly involved see globalisation as something that is happening far away and that it does not affect their day to day lives. However they are unaware of the power of globalisation and how much they are actually involved in the process.

'Out there' globalisation describes how the world is getting smaller on a political or industrial level. Politics and industry have expanded on a global scale, but at what price? With the advances in technology we are exposed to different cultures and ways of living suggesting that globalisation offers a new more diverse world. However as we look at the changes in culture in Malaysia and the Far East we can see that nations once rich with culture and history are being swallowed by a new western consumer culture.

Multinational companies have seen their opportunity through the advancements in technology to exploit not only there local market but venture into a global market.

                            Western powers, spearheaded by American owned

 transnational corporations have monopolised world

  communications to such a degree that the economic

                             well being and cultural identity of less powerful

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                             nations have been mightily damaged (James Lull)

3rd World countries are seen as a sight for cheap labour and low maintenance factories. Studies show that major companies such as Nike and Shell have factories in Africa whereby they exploit the cheap labour costs ( The governments of these 3rd World countries compromise their culture due to the fact that they have been brainwashed into believing that the capitalist world that the west nurtures is a better way of living. Globalisation has caused a world system of exploitation ...

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