Greenhouse Effect Research Assignment.

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Greenhouse Effect Research Assignment

The Greenhouse Effect is a controversial issue in society today.  It is generalised as “global warming”, because the “Greenhouse Effect” is said to be the result of a ‘blanket’ – made up of gases such as water vapour and carbon dioxide – forming over Earth like a greenhouse.  Glass in a greenhouse will let the sunlight in, but absorb and retain the heat; thus increasing the temperature of the atmosphere within the greenhouse.  Therefore, the “Greenhouse Effect” is the warming of the Earth’s surface at a greater rate than would normally occur without the ‘blanket’ present.  Some problems that many scientists have blamed on the Greenhouse Effect are a rising global temperatures, thus rising sea levels from the melting of polar ice caps, changes in vegetation, and unusual weather patterns.  

Of course, many argue that global warming is a natural process, but some people go as far as placing sole blame on human activity for the Greenhouse Effect. In between these two extremes, there is the theory of the “Enhanced Greenhouse Effect”.  This theory explains that human activity is enhancing the Greenhouse Effect, because we are continually adding heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere by way of factory emissions, vehicle emissions, etc.  Such gases include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, chlorofluorocarbons, methane and ozone.  The table below shows some examples of natural and man-made sources of some ‘Greenhouse Gases’.

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Looking at the theory put forward that ‘Greenhouse Gases’ cause the Greenhouse Effect, by reducing our emissions of Greenhouse Gases, we can also reduce the Greenhouse Effect.  With unlimited funds, however, we can reduce the emission of Greenhouse Gases produced by humans to an absolute minimum, if not eradicate their production completely.  

Ways in which carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide can be reduced with unlimited funds are:

  • Buy up large blocks of land around the world, and plant lots of trees to soak up the existing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
  • Improve technology of cars, ...

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A somewhat muddled overview of ways in which the Greenhouse Effect can be overcome. Although relatively simplistic and lacking in some analysis, this answer does have some interesting ideas. 3 stars.