How and Why are Sea Defences being used in North Norfolk?

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Coastal Studies

Geography Coursework


How and Why are Sea Defences

being used in North Norfolk?

The topic I have chosen for my project is on coastal erosion. This is an important topic to study because it affects all the agriculture and inhabitants of the coastal areas.

Coastal erosion can take the form of many different problems e.g. flooding, physical erosion on the beaches and general cutting away from the coastal areas. Coastal defence has many different methods to counteract the growing problem of coastal erosion. Such defences like groynes, dumping, gabions, rock armouring, flood embankments, revetments and vertical seawalls. All of these forms of coastal defences are costly and the local council often dislike paying for them if they are considered unreliable.

There is a constant threat of coastal erosion because of the green house affect and global warming and the melting of the polar ice glaciers, threatening to raise sea level therefore flooding unprepared or low lying areas. This is a big problem for the UK because it is an island therefore will be more affected. My overall question on this project is the title ‘How and Why are sea defences being used in North Norfolk?’ and I will be answering this question using the data I collected on my field trip to North Norfolk, this is data from beaches including pictures and measurements on the height and length of the sea defences found on the beaches in North Norfolk. I will answer this question in the form of five sub-questions then I will answer the overall question in the evaluation.

  1. How do beach profiles vary?
  2. Why do beach profiles vary?
  3. Do coastal defences alter the characteristics of the beaches of North Norfolk?
  4. How do coastal defences work?
  5. How effective are the coastal defences in place?

1. How do beach profiles vary?

The meaning of this question is to summarise all my data on the beaches in North Norfolk. I will also use the sediment analysis and the Timed Float to determine the overall destructiveness of the beach. Then I will use the beach profiles along with the Infiltration Rates and the Groyne Measurements to determine the overall effectiveness of the defences. This question describes how sea defences are being used in North Norfolk. I will answer this question using the data I collected on the North Norfolk trip.

I chose this question because I thought it was important to discuss the various kinds of beach profiles that we came across in my project.

2. Why do beach profiles vary?

In this question I will work out the nature of the beaches and whether they are constructive or destructive. I will be using all my data on the separate beaches and also use the pictures to work this out.

I chose this question because it explains the different types of defences on North Norfolk and why they are being used on those specific beaches.

3. Do coastal defences alter the characteristics of the beaches of North Norfolk?

To answer this question I will describe the characteristics of the beach and whether the defences are attractive or unsightly. A way to answer this question is to describe what the beaches look like with the defences in place e.g. the groynes are large structures of wood, built quite high, extending from the top of the beach to the sea, working as a barrage to break down strong waves. They are quite unsightly and would alter peoples’ opinions of the beaches. Overall this may detract from tourism, resulting in less income for the tourist shops and less income for the town.

I chose this question because it explains the effect that this type of work has on the beaches and it also describes the pros and cons of the beaches of North Norfolk.

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4. How do coastal defences work?

To answer this question I will quite simply make a list of the different forms of coastal defences and then describe how each one works. I will mainly be using my pictures and annotating them, pointing out where the sea defences are and then I will write in the text how they work.

I chose this question because it explains why different defences are used and why.

5. How effective are the coastal defences in place? 

In this question I will again describe how the sea defences work and ...

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