How far do physical factors affect global population distribution?

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Global Population Distribution by Atif Khan 10S

How far do physical factors affect global population distribution?

        Global Population Distribution is the spread of people across the world. It can be an even spread or an uneven spread, and it depends on physical and human factors. Human factors include transport, infrastructure, government and employment. Physical factors are climate, relief, water supplies, soil type and resources.

        Across the world’s surface area, most people are living in only small sections of land. This is because not all land has an equal potential for life. Examples of countries with very large populations are India and China. 2 in 6 people across the globe are either Indian or Chinese! However, in a country such as Afghanistan this population density is much lower.

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        We will first study the physical factors that affect population. We will begin with climate. Average Annual Temperatures are important factors of population distribution. If the weather is too hot or too cold, people won’t be able to live there. However, if there are no extremes of climate like this, countries are more likely to do well. An example of this is Western Europe. However, extremes of climate are not the only type of climate to affect population distribution. If a country is cold, for example, people are usually more likely to spend money on housing to provide shelter, using ...

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Overall a good attempt to answer the question. It is quite a descriptive answer but towards the end it does start to evaluate the importance of physical factors in population distribution. It would benefit greatly from more detailed examples using data. 3 stars