How the business environment affects the effectiveness and functioning of an organization

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction to Business environments

  1. Divisions of the business environment

  1. Internal Factors

  1. External factors

  1. Conclusion to intro

  1. How the business environment affects the effectiveness and functioning of an organization

  1. Conclusions

To best answer the question of how different business environments affect the effectiveness of a business it is imperative that we first define what the business environment is and what all its factors are.  The business environment perse’ is: the environment in which a firm exists, this setting is a dynamic unity of everything inside and outside of the Company which adversely affects the activities of a firm either directly or indirectly.  The idea that; “a firm does not exist in isolation and that it works within its overall environment”; just reinforces the importance of this environment to all business’ and the need to consider it.  Seeing also as how the world is changing with time and technological advancements, the business environments of today are a constantly changing group of situations that a firm has to deal with.  By monitoring and adjusting to the changes in its environment, a firm is best prepared to succeed.  And it is only through this preparation that a firm can survive.  As a whole, the “business environment” is the single most important factor a company must study, monitor and adjust to, to be assured the success and realizations of its goals.  

The following table illustrates clearly the Business Environment:

The two divisions which compose the whole of the business environment; though the effects of these 2 differ on the firm none is more important than the other and both must be taken into consideration.  The first division of the environment is the “Internal environment.  The internal environment is the environment within the company itself and it has the most direct impact on the daily activities of the company.  The factors which comprise the int. environment are: first, the customers, they comprise most of the firm’s sales, income and later profits so they must always be satisfied or the company loses money.  The second factor in the int. environment is the competition.  The importance of which: is knowing and planning the most effective way to beat competitors; either with new ideas or cheaper products.  Comprising the third factor of the internal are the employees these are the people who make the company operate and its progress is very much dependent on their work.  The firm in turn must look after their well being and keep them happy so they will be motivated to work well.  An unhappy labor force usually means an unproductive company.  In any form of production it is hard to forget the suppliers; they are the firms who provide other firms with raw materials and tools needed in production.  A firm with a good supplier is assured of high quality materials at good prices and on time.  Thus making this factor an important consideration.  Wrapping up the internal environment are 2 factors which work hand in hand.  The first are the share holders, being investors the so called cash cows; these people can influence policies and procedures within the company.  They also expect good dividends on their investment and if are not satisfied can withdraw their money and invest elsewhere.  The second of the cash cows are the financial institutions; these are the banks responsible for lending money to the firms for capital increase company growth or other reasons.  These institutions must be repaid on time and as agreed so that the company can always turn to these institutions in times that they need financial support.  As a whole the internal division of a firms environment is a necessity to its existence and success.

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Hand in hand with the internal environment, the other half of the “business environment” is its external environment.  the factors found here don’t so much affect the day to day or operations of the firms, but they do affect the long term strategies and policies that a firm will adapt to survive in the future.  The first factor in the external environment is the: Physical environment, this is important to firms specially those entering foreign lands aside from their own.  The physical environment includes such considerations as geographical size, location of a country, weather, availability of raw materials, and the readiness ...

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