Influence of colonialism: Culture coherence and diversity in Latin America

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NAT 155 Assignments

Title: Influence of colonialism: Culture coherence and diversity in Latin America

Course Code: NAT 155

Date: May 29, 2008


The purpose of this article is to introduce the culture of Latin America and its characteristics, especially the coherence and diversity as well. First of all, it provides the reader the historical background by introducing the population and language in this region. More than hundred-year of colonization make the composition of population and language changed dramatically and it cut up the connection between Latin American culture and its ancient ancestor. All of these make this culture here more coherence than ever, because the indigenous culture are massively destroyed.

However, being one of the most important culture originals, many cultures appeared in the history of Latin America, such as Maya and Teotihuacan, and some of them were so different. Given this point, people can easily find the diversity part of Latin America culture. During this article, I will demonstrate the coherence and diversity of Latin America culture by introduce and analyze the basic knowledge of this region.

Keywords: colonialism, coherence, diversity

Influence of colonialism: Culture coherence and diversity in Latin America

Among several colonized regions and territories, Latin America is famous for its glorious ancient culture and diversity of concurrent religions. Due to the historical reasons, indigenous culture has been influenced or eliminated by the foreign culture, especially those European cultures. Furthermore, many local minorities and their cultures have been destroyed by Spanish or Portuguese colonizers, leaving only few ruins for the academic researchers today. The intrusion of foreign cultures cut up the connection between Latin American culture and its ancient ancestor, and makes it more coherent than before.

On the other hand, Latin America culture is still unique for its diversity, because of the different geographic and historical reasons, no to mention the racial diversity in this region, which was caused by the migration from Europe and Africa. In the following paragraphs, we will study the coherence and diversity in several aspects and focus our research to augment one aspect of this theme.


Although population is not part of culture, the discussion of population of Latin America is essential for the understanding of its culture, because it seems that there is no other place in this world like Latin America whose culture was changed with the companion of large warfare and starvation. According to Jorge A. Brea the author of book named “Population Dynamics in Latin America”, population change in Latin America can be divided into four distinct periods, and the first period of change is a sharp population decline from 1492 to 1650. Brea named this period as “Catastrophic Decline” (4). This is a period that indigenous populations were largely slaughtered by European colonizer whose only purpose was to occupy this area and destroy local population and cultures. “Latin America were populated by at least 50 million indigenous people when the Europeans arrived in 1492 … [b]y 1650, about 90 percent of the indigenous population who had come in contact with Europeans had died because of disease, famine, malnutrition, ill treatment, overwork, or (less often) homicide” (Brea 4). Although the author reason that the major killers was disease, such as smallpox, measles, typhus, plague and yellow fever, it is very hard to convince people who comes from a developing country or ever colonized area that those diseases are not introduced purposely, because the same situation happened on Indian people who lived in North America and there are lots of evidences to prove that early colonizers intended make indigenous people be infected by their disease in order to occupy the land and fortune.

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At the same time, given the indigenous people were largely destroyed; colonists made Africa a source of labor supplement for their plantation agriculture in Brazil and many other Latin America countries. Obviously, those who are captured from Africa and forced to work as slaves were more cheap and easy to control, because they were not organized and it was hard for them to get sympathy and support from local people. It is a very successful strategy. According to Brea, approximately 4 million indigenous people were killed by 1650 and colonists brought about 9 million Africans to Latin America as ...

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