Investigate change in river characteristics down stream.

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Route of inquiry

·        Hypothesis (Statements that can be tested) – I will be collecting data to help me prove these theories.

·        Method (to ensure a fair test)

·        Results – taken from measurements I collect whilst conducting my investigation.

·        Presentation discussion

·        -Graphs

·        -Calculations

·        Limitations – these will be included in my evaluation, and I will comment on how I could have changed my investigation to help me reduce these.

·        Conclusion

-Accept or reject hypothesis [were they right or wrong?]


My aim is to investigate change in river characteristics down stream. After investigating these characteristics, I will take my findings and use them to produce an easily annotated series of graphs. Hopefully, my findings will help me to prove my theory that certain characteristics change with distance downstream. After annotating my graphs, I will draw a meaningful conclusion from my analysis of the findings I receive during this investigation.


The hypothesis is that Depth, Width and Velocity all change in certain ways such as, increasing with distance downstream, that Gradient decreases with distance downstream and, the size of Pebbles decrease and the shape will become rounder.

Maps of area studied

These are maps of the areas I studied for my geography field coursework.

We were based here at the conservation center in High Beach. This is where we would have done our river study but the actual river was dried out and lacking in water. This area is mainly woodland.

This map locates sites one and two. Site one is located near the school and site two is located near the train line.

This map locates site three; it is on the riverside walk of the River Roding. It is based near a housing area. Site three, is Alluvium but site one and two were both London clay. Alluvium is a very fertile type of soil left behind on flood plains. This is evidence that site three may actually be located on a flood plain.

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Detailed site account

Site one: _        This is near a secondary school and has drainage pipes flowing into it. This is most probably from the school fields and car parks. The land the river is based on is London Clay. It contained pebbles and had a lot of litter probably dropped by dog walkers and students going home.

Site two: _        Roughly 200 meters from site one, we walked on to this after studying site one. This area was also London clay. There was a lot of vegetation and frogs were living in the long grass. At this site ...

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