Is it possible to protect the environment when many countries require increasing amounts of energy to progress

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Is it possible to protect the environment when many countries require increasing amounts of energy to progress?

In today’s world, where world population, industrial production and economic growth are surging at breakneck pace, energy consumption is expanding and mankind’s insatiable desire for energy, arable land and natural resources are both deleting natural resources and damaging the environment. I believe that economic progress today necessitates mankind’s utilization of the earth’s resources and damage of the environment. However, I believe that it is possible to both enjoy economic progress and protect the environment at the same time, especially with advancements in alternative energy technology and a greater involvement of the public, government and public firms in the protection of the environment.

There is largely, a false dichotomy between economic progress and protecting the environment. That is because, among other reasons, of the availability of alternative sources of energy – not that of crude oil or coal – which can power industries and drive economic progress while protecting or doing only minimal damage to the environment. Such technology includes nuclear energy, which use does not emit carbon and where by-products can be stored underground without damage to the environment. Other forms of alternative energy also include that of wind and solar energy, where although some might seem prohibitive and capable of providing only small amounts of energy, may actually allow entire towns to be powered if harnessed and distributed efficiently. This is the case of Saint David’s, a town in Southern Wales, which successfully leveraged on such technology to reduce its household carbon footprint to almost zero – a testament to how technology can allow an economy to function and progress while protecting the environment at the same time. However, despite the efficacy of such technology, I concede that alternative energy sources are no panacea for today’s trade-off between progress and the environment as yet and that is why the world still consumes 85 million barrels of dirty-burning crude oil today. This is because alternative energy sources are still in general, not as cheap as drilling for oil and hence are not widely adopted. However, I believe that in the near future, with today’s pace in the advancement of alternative energy technology and in order to circumvent the predicted disaster of oil running out by 2050, alternative energy will become cheaper and widely used to the point that it drives economic progress while protecting the environment at the same time – a very possible eventual outcome.

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Another reason why I believe that protecting the environment and economic progress is possible and becoming ever less mutually exclusive is the increase in environmental awareness and desires to protect the environment, whether for altruistic reasons or for self interests. Today, 30% of paper and plastic waste in the USA as stated by the USA Environmental Agency, is recycled. This is despite the fact that recycling is often a low profit margin business that requires government subsidies to operate. A 30% recycling rate is an achievement that shows a government can push for both progress and environmental protection at ...

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