Minehead: Coastal Management

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Minehead: Coastal Management


On the Somerset coast, facing the Bristol Channel.


* In recent years, powerful sea currents have removed much of Minehead's beach and caused floods. No new material was being brought from the west by longshore drift as groynes built trapped material thus preventing the harbour from sitting up. Beach being lost by sea currents was therefore not being replaced by longshore drift.
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* 1/2 million holidaymakers each year create £90 million of tourist income and jobs.

Flood Defence Scheme

* Approved in 1996.


. provide sea defences

2. raise the amenity value of the seafront

* Sea wall was raised by 0.6 metres. Cost £9 million.

* 300,000 tonnes of sand and shingle will raise the beach by 2 metres.

* Rock armour and 4 groynes. Former will add support at base of sea wall. Latter should prevent the new beach material drifting eastwards out of the bay. Cost £3.5 million.

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