"Organic farming is all very well, but can it feed the world?"

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It is necessary for the purpose of this assignment to start by defining what is meant by “Organic Farming”.  It can simply be defined as “farming without chemicals” which is very much the case.

The two articles provide arguments of whether organic farming is sufficient to provide sustainable source of food for the increasing population.  Two different points of view are expressed in the articles.

“Organic farming is all very well, but can it feed the world?”

In his article Lawrence Woodward main argument was the ability of organic farming to feed the world provided that many factors should be considered and probably changed.  Factors that has nothing to do with the technical aspect of organic farming, but more to do with the recent global system of handling the agricultural economy, e.g.  food distribution system, marketing, finance and even political aspects that affect this matter.

He sees that with the current circumstances of industrialization and population largely consuming the limited resources including land being used for trade production, neither organic nor conventional agricultural systems can feed the world.

In his opinion, we can feed the world if we:

  • Write off the third world depts.
  • Stop subsidizing crops (e.g. tobacco).
  • Create favorable fiscal environment.
  • Provide access to land.
  • Develop global strategy for soil and water conservation.
  • Change growth that drives global economy. *2
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Woodward presented some valid data in his article, based on universities studies such as the Study done by Iowa State University which concluded that the domestic food needs by the United States would be met using organic farming.  Also, he supported his article with references to enhance his points

In my opinion, the presented data in Woodward’s article were unbiased and logically explained, but I believe also, that he could provide more scientific evidence to strengthen his argument.

An example of where Woodward tried to raise a case instead of presenting evidence is clear in his argument ...

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