Population Structure and Economic Implications - China and Kenya

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Geography        Greg Young        Page  of

Population Structure and Economic Implications

In this piece of text I will be analysing and comparing the population structure and economic implications of two countries.  The two countries that I have chosen are Kenya and China.  China is a mixture of an LEDC and an MEDC whilst Kenya is a LEDC.  You will be able to notice the difference when I give the facts and details of both countries.  Population structure is such things as death rate and also birth rate and population spreads.  It also shows the amount of people that are a certain age.  The pyramid can also show the different trends and patterns of the age groups.  Economic implications are the work force of the country and the industries in the countries.

Country Status

China is a mixed between and LEDC and MEDC as said earlier, this is because the countries has a mixture of areas where some people are not as fortunate as others. The population of this country is around 1.3 billion.  By looking at the map below you can see that it takes up a large space of Asia so there is no surprise that there is a lot of people living in the country.  Here is a map to show where China is.

Kenya on the other hand is an LEDC suffering from hunger, disease and dehydration. Kenya’s population is around 32 million which is much lower than China because of different death rates birth rates, infant mortality which will be explained later.  Here is a map to show where Kenya is situated.  

A complete opposite to China in population size and status of the country.

Death Rate

In China there is a small death rate of 7 per 1000 which is very low.  The death rate is low because of reasons such as there is good health facilities which obviously means that people can be treated better lowering the chance of death.  They will also have good fresh water supply because if there wasn’t then the death rate would be much higher.  Hygiene of the country must also be good as disease would travel easily and because would get ill easier.  The death rate is 16 per 1000 people in Kenya which is just over double of China.  In China 0.1% of people have H.I.V but in Kenya 6.7% have H.I.V which is a big reason for the deaths in Kenya.  There are a lot of differences in the 2 countries, here are the reasons why the death is so high in Kenya and not as high in China

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  • A lot of disease in Kenya
  • Good trade to bring in good money to give enough jobs to people to buy food
  • Kenya have bad weather as its to hot over there and not enough rain
  • Good water supply in China
  • Sewer system in China but not Kenya

As you can see from the list there are a lot of factors that make them totally different.

Population Pyramids

Here is a population pyramid of China in 2000.

From looking at this population you can see that there is a high life expectancy, this is ...

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