Should the population growth of a country be controlled in anyway?

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Should the population growth of a country be controlled in anyway?

The rate at which population of the world is growing is alarming; the world’s population growth rate is 1.17 percent and total world population is closing on 7 billion people in 2010. The world’s population will soon reach a level where there will not be enough resources to sustain life. Growth must be checked to avoid this catastrophe. Along with it, the population of a country should be controlled as it brings about social problems, thwarts the economic condition of a country, causes the predicament of housing and degrades the balance in the environment since the earth’s resources are finite. However the use of irrational methods to control population which impede human rights is to be condemned and cautious must be taken as control of population acts contradiction to religious belief, causes ageing problem and brings social and cultural dispute.

The paramount reason population growth is controlled is to maintain the optimum population of a country. Optimum population refers to the number of population that will produce the highest per capita economic return given the resources available and their full utilization. If the population of a country is above its optimum, negative effects of overcrowding (pollution, robbery, crime) and environmental damage reduces welfare and there will be too few resources to maintain the population. On the other hand, if the population is below the optimum, the country will lack the required manpower to harness the resources. In Nigeria, its population is the ultimate resource and not an economic burden. The following factors arise when there is ebb and flow in the optimum population of a country.

The population growth is controlled to its optimum due to the lack of space and resources to sustain the population that crops up with increase in population. In Nepal, increase in population has overcrowded the capital where there is lack of space for further houses to be built. In accordance to that, people have started living in blocks and apartments due to the lack of space. In the south Asian counties like India and Pakistan, the problem of slums has increased conspicuously due to lack of space. Some countries, such as the United Arab Emirates and particularly the Emirate of Dubai have constructed large artificial islands, or have created large dam and dike systems, like the Netherlands, which reclaim land from the sea to increase their total land area. Along with space to live, there will be scarcity of agricultural lands. Some scientists have said that in the future, densely populated cities will use vertical farming to grow food inside skyscrapers. Similarly, the government cannot provide even the basic needs to the people in case of overpopulation. When the growth rate in Iran exceeded the capacity of the government to provide services, then President Rafsanjani launched family planning campaigns to reduce the increasing rate.

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Another compelling reason that the population growth must be controlled is to curb social problems. With the rise in population come problems like crime, violence, ethical disparity, transgression and hostility. Increased theft by people stealing resources and conflict over scarce resources and crowding to survive has elevated the crime rate. In addition, democracy is threatened due to overpopulation, and could give rise to totalitarian style governments. Over population leads to the need of laws that to control havocs and mayhems. This is why overpopulated countries like India try to control the population growth.

In addition, population should be controlled to ...

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