To what extent are cold environments fragile environments and how far does this affect their development?

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To what extent are cold environments fragile environments and how far does this affect their development?

Cold environments such as Western Antarctica (including peninsula) and Arctic tundra are extremely fragile, mainly due to the low temperatures severely limiting vegetation growth and thus any development will destroy the natural environment. Although this fragility of the environment has not deterred development despite the difficulty and cost of developing cold environments, this is due to human’s inability to look to the long-term effects of their actions.

Arctic tundra is described as a fragile environment as plant growth of mosses and lichens is restrict to only 2mm per year due to low temperatures only allowing growth to occur in the 3 summer months where temperatures reach 10 degrees centigrade. If growth of predominantly mosses and lichens is so limited then anything that touches the vegetation may undo thousands of years of growth, this should in theory deter development as it destroys the natural landscape and habitats for animals. The fragility of Alaskan tundra has not stopped development at all, the extraction of oil has occurred since 1974. The extraction of oil from the North Slope oilfield is extremely dangerous and not sustainable for the Alaskan environment. The “Exxon Valdez” sunk spilling tones of raw oil into the Gulf of Alaska, this destroyed animals and vegetation that has not recovered since due to the fragility of the environment. The Western world has exploited this fragile environment, which shows that fragility of cold environments, when there is money to be made from them, is irrelevant. Ecologically fragile Alaskan tundra should not be disturbed, the tracks from the construction vehicles of the Trans-Alaskan pipeline can still be seen today, showing that cold environments do not recover easily from disruption. It is down to the ruthlessness of Western people and their desire for money that has destroyed the Alaskan tundra and thus the fragility has not really affected development. The presence of permafrost did not even deter America from extracting oil from Prudhoe Bay and therefore it is not surprising the fragility of the environment did not deter them.

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The Alaskan environment is also fragile due to the high risk of earthquakes and volcanoes, which if were to cause the pipeline to burst, would destroy the environment yet development continued. Although the oil companies such as “Exxon” did research heavily into finding an ecologically sound way of transporting the oil, as it could not go underground as the permafrost would melt. This shows that fragility of the Alaskan tundra did affect development in terms that firms were more vigilant in trying to protect the landscape using a pipeline on stilts. It is my opinion that the fragility of ...

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