Volcanoes are more dangerous hazards than earthquakes discuss the truth of this statement.

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Volcanoes are more dangerous hazards than earthquakes discuss the truth of this statement.

Both volcanoes and earthquakes are caused by the movement of magma beneath the earths crust. The crust can be between six and seventy kilometres thick, this can be symbolised by the skin of an apple. The crust is both on land and under sea’s, however the composition of the crust changes. Oceanic crust is denser and usually composes of silicon and magnesium; where as continental crust is lighter and usually composes of silicon and aluminium. Beneath the Mohorovicic discontinuity the convection currents of the liquid mantle control the movement of the tectonic plates, causing both volcanoes and earthquakes. The convection currents vary in size and can be anywhere in between 800 and 1200 miles across. These convection currents move the huge tectonic plates, the boundary’s of these plates are called fault lines and are the areas in which both volcanoes and earthquakes occur. Both hazards have many implications on both the human population and the environment, the purpose of this essay is to discuss which hazard has the more dangerous implications.

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A volcano is a vent in the earths crust from which hot gasses, pyroklastics, and lava can be emitted, there are two types of activity from volcanoes extrusive and intrusive. There are two types of extrusive activity, volcanic plateaus and localised volcanic mountains, Intrusive activity is described as sills and dykes. The type of activity obviously determines danger of the volcano. Extrusive volcanic mountains are by far the most dangerous volcanic hazard as they can emit all 3 volcanic materials and can also cause secondary hazards such as lahars, mudslides and widespread flooding (only if the mountain is covered ...

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