Waste Management Practices in the United Kingdom

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Town and Country planning aspects of waste management

GGY 259H

Geography and Planning

Waste Management Practices in the United Kingdom


Complete removal of waste is a task that will probably never be possible. Therefore there should be a balance between the amount of waste that is produced and the amount reused. There have been many suggestions as to how this should be done over the recent decades. Recently the suggestion has been the development of sustainable waste management.

Aims and Objectives

'Waste is undesirable, but nevertheless an inevitable and inherent product of our social, economic, and cultural life.' (Kharbanda and Stallworthy, Waste Management, 1990)

This report aims to achieve several clear objectives. The basis of the report is to outline waste management practices, particularly on a regional and national scale. This will go on to a general overview that is intended to show possible future changes in waste production and management. To find these things out the following questions will need to be answered:

. What waste do we manage?

2. Why do we manage it?

3. How do we manage the waste?

Looking at the first question, waste will have to be defined, and the amount that we produce as a nation will be looked at. The second question will be divided into environmental protection, and human risks. The third question carries the most information in the report, it shall identify national and more importantly, European legislation, local and national management strategies. The conclusion will address the issue and the future of waste management.

Table 1

List of Waste types, from Article 1(a) of Council Directive 75/442/EEC, from a commission decision of 20th December 1993

Waste resulting from exploration, mining, dressing and further treatment of minerals and quarrying.


Waste form agriculture, horticulture, hunting, fishing, and aquaculture primary production, food preparation and processing.


Wastes from wood processing and the production of paper, cardboard, pulp, panels and furniture.


Wastes from leather and textile industries.


Wastes from petroleum refining, natural gas purification and pyrolytic treatment of coal.


Wastes from inorganic chemical processes.


Wastes from organic chemical processes.


Wastes from the manufacturing, formulation, supply and use of the coatings (paints, varnishes and enamels), adhesives, sealents and printing inks.


Wastes from photographic industries


Inorganic wastes from thermal processes.


Inorganic wastes with metals from metal treatment and coating of metals; non-ferrous hydrmetallurgy


Wastes from shaping and surface treatment on metals and plastics.


Oils wastes


Wastes from organic substances employed as solvents


Packaging; absorbents, wiping cloths, filter materials and protective clothing.
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Wastes not otherwise specified in the catalogue.


Construction and demolition wastes.


Wastes from all human or animal health care / related research.


Wastes from treatment facilities, off-site waste water treatment plants and the water industry.


Municipal wastes and similar commercial, industrial and institutional wastes, including collected functions.

What kind of waste do we manage?


Waste is the lack of use/value of 'useless remains'.

It is a by-product of human activity. The European courts define waste, in the eyes of ...

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