Water Pollution in Cairo.

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The scale of pollution in Cairo is mammoth with the ever, continuing amounts of waste being released into the city. With the ever, growing population of Cairo levels of pollution are sure to increase. Recently the large EU financial institution announced on April 10 that it had awarded Egypt a grant of $79,000 to investigate the cause of the choking air pollution in the city, which has been blamed on Nile Delta. Due the massive amounts of pollution Cairo's daily air quality remains a constant health concern. The World Health Organization has reported that the air pollution in downtown Cairo is 10 to 100 times above the level considered safe

Water Pollution:

Cairo with 13 million people is the largest city in the Middle East region. As typical of giant cities, it has continuous rapid population growth and massive expansion. Since the city is an open environmental system, Cairo's surrounding regions are burdened with heavy wastewater discharges and increasing water demand. Also the city's water resources are affected by discharges from other regions.


* Cairo is located immediately upstream of the delta about 250 km from the Mediterranean. The River Nile meet all of Cairo's freshwater demand; human daily use (consumption and domestic uses), agriculture, and industry.

* Just as the Nile is the primary source of fresh water, it is also the primary receiver of wastewater and drainage generated by different activities.

* The Nile receives large flows of mostly untreated domestic, agricultural, and industrial wastewater from Southern Cairo. Here I have discovered that along the Nile:

> Between the Aswan High Dam and Cairo, 43 towns with population exceeding 50,000 and approximately 1,500 villages discharge their wastes to the Nile

> Most of the residents in the region depend on irrigated agriculture for their livelihood, and 2.3 billion m3 of drainage water loaded with fertilizers, pesticides, and organic material is returned to the Nile annually in the Upper Egypt, upstream of Cairo

> 35 major factories discharge 125 million m3 per year of industrial wastewater with little treatment.

> Domestic wastewater

* Most of the wastewater collected by sewerage has not received much or in some areas no treatment. Also many wastewater treatment plants do operate unsatisfactorily.

* At the moment there are at least six operating domestic wastewater treatment plants serving the Greater Cairo area, and none of them discharge to the Nile near Cairo: three plants discharge through agricultural drains to the Northern Lakes and the Mediterranean, and the bilge water from two plants will be used largely for desert irrigation and land reclamation; only one plant discharges to the Nile, through an agricultural drain.
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* Dumping solid waste - due to lack of solid waste collection - into waterways increases water pollution; in the city districts many small Nile canals are totally filled with plastic bags full of solid waste.

> Industrial wastewater

* 80 per cent of the whole country's annual industrial effluent is discharged untreated into the Nile, canals, wells, municipal sewerage systems, and the Mediterranean Sea Egypt's 329 major factories continue to discharge as much as 2.5 million m3 per day of untreated effluent into Egypt's waters.

* Cairo is one of the main industrial centres ...

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