Why are the world's tropical rainforests, rapidly disappearing?

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Tropical Rainforests

(Their development and management)

Why are the world's tropical rainforests, rapidly disappearing?

The primary reason for the rapid reduction in the size of the worlds greatest natural resource, the Tropical Rainforest, is mainly due to economic incentives, placed on developing countries be it by the World Bank, TNCs or just private investors. This is well illustrated, in Gunung Palung in Indonesia where illegal logging activity is occurring in the this national park because wealthy local merchants and members of the local police, military, and national park staff have been financing small groups of villagers to log, for them. Exploitation of this resource is common throughout the world this is due to the great demand for hardwoods such as mahogany in MEDCs e.g. Japan which uses large amounts of hardwoods for plywood to make casts for concrete and chopsticks which a great many are used and thrown away in Japan.

The activities which cause the greatest amount of deforestation are; logging and farming plantations, using the slash and burn technique for creating colossal plantations with a short life of two to three years and leaving a thin laterite soil which has formed due to the initial ferralitic soil suffering extensive leaching due to the heavy rainfall of the tropics (2'000mm+). This is the way that the commercial use of land causes deforestation in the topics, as though the land is very fertile, having the highest, net primary production of any biome on our planet of around 2'200NPP in oppose to a deciduous forest, unlike those found in Britain which has an average of around 1'200NPP, and provides 40% of the worlds net primary production of terrestrial energy, once the cover of the rainforest's terrestrial canopies is lost, effectively the soil has lost its protection against the rain and an umbrella which intercepts close to all of the heavy rainfall which occurs in these latitudes. So once a plot of vegetation is consumed the rainforest's soils are ruined as the layer of humus at the top of the ferralit is leached and the removal of the trees means that there is no recycling of nutrients, so though the returning of all the biota in the system to the soil through, causes a short period of impressive fertility, this is also the method by which the soil diminishes, as the rainforest consists of a very delicate closed system in which trees have the greatest function, as it is believed that in the top canopy of the rainforest along contains 40-95% of the worlds insects, the variation showing how little is in fact known about them.

This process, means that the revival of the rainforest is almost impossible, since the soil can no longer sustain such high energy trees as the amazing emergents, so it is likely that the original habitat may never return and a periglacial environment with usually a much less diverse biome will succeed, such as the prairies, if the original rainforest does return it will take at least a century.
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Linking perfectly to the reason deforestation occurs, this process occurs because people are reducing the size of the forest more rapidly than it can rejuvenate, thus making a net output of trees or biome in the rainforest, subsequently effecting greatly the food web and bio diversity.

This can also be made worse by the fact that rainforests as well as having soil with great potential and trees, which can be sold for a large profit, when it you consider that a logger in Malaysia in comparison to his piers will earn a fortune, of roughly £1020, people ...

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