Why is Africa the least economically developed continent in the World?

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Why is Africa the Least Economically Developed Continent in the World?

There are three main types of industry that people are employed in; Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. Primary industry involves the extraction or exploitation of natural resources e.g. Farming, fishing, mining and forestry. Secondary industry involves the manufacture of raw materials into saleable products, e.g. refineries, processors and manufacturing. Tertiary industry is the service sector, e.g. transport, sales and anything that offers anyone a service. The percentage of people employed in these different sectors can be used to suggest how developed a country is. If a country’ main employment sector is Primary industry or subsistence farming the country is in Rostow’s Stage 1 and is almost completely undeveloped. When a country begins to increase its Secondary and Tertiary sectors it is in Rostow’s stage 2 and has begun to develop. Rostow’s Stages carry on to stage 5 where the dominance of employment is in Tertiary Industry. To sum up Rostow’s model, the higher percentage of people in a country employed in Primary industry, the less developed the country is, the higher the percentage of people employed in Tertiary industry the more developed it is.

This map shows the spatial variations in Gross National Product (GNP) in the world, in the form of a North South divide. Continents with high GNP are North of the divide and continents with low GNP are South of the divide.

There are many other ways of deciding how developed a country is, this divide could be obtained using percentage of people employed in agriculture or the primary sector. Measures like crude birth rate, total fertility rate and population growth could also be used. From this map, you can see that Africa has the lowest average GNP suggesting that it is the least developed continent.

Many of Africa’s countries are very underdeveloped as you can see from the Human Development Index map of Africa (next page). Human Development Index (HDI) is a measure of overall quality of life and is compiled using income, life expectancy and educational attainment. The countries are then ranked in order with Canada as number 1 and Sierra Leone (West Africa) as number 175.

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This is a map of Africa showing the different HDI ratings for the countries in it. You can see that all of the ratings are high and that the highest of all (Sierra Leone) is located on the West coast of Africa with a HDI of 175.

Ethiopia is another country with a high HDI of 170, it is shaded red on the map. I have chosen Ethiopia as a less economically developed country in Africa, which I am going to compare with the United Kingdom, a small group of countries in Western Europe.

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