With reference to either tectonic or climatic hazards, explain why a knowledge of physical processes is essential to understand their impact on people.

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With reference to either tectonic or climatic hazards, explain why a knowledge of physical processes is essential to understand their impact on people

I am choosing to study climatic hazards, I will use two case studies to evaluate how differing knowledge of hurricane processes affects the impact they have on the population.

        Climatic hazards are caused by fluctuations in the atmospheric conditions.  They are among the most serious hazards as they are often long-lasting and the effects, widespread.  Climatic hazards include droughts, floods and hurricanes, but I will be looking in detail at the latter.

        Hurricanes begin as tropical depressions, then as winds are rotated and an area of low pressure is formulated in the centre, it develops into a tropical storm.  Finally it develops into a hurricane when the winds exceed 74 mph.  Warm moist air is needed for a hurricane to form, so sea temperatures of around 27ºC or above are the optimum conditions for hurricane formation.  The moisture powers convection and condensation.  The warm air rises and as it rises it cools releasing latent heat energy used later for condensation.  As the air rises it spirals towards the centre.  The winds spiral anti-clockwise in the Northern hemisphere and clockwise in the south, due to the Coriolis Effect from the earth’s movement.

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        Artificial satellites can be used to monitor the scale and path of hazards such as hurricanes.  Data from previous hazards can help scientists predict possible paths and impacts of hurricanes.  The prediction is not always entirely accurate but allows governments and media to inform the people of the risk, to allow them to move out of the hazard path.

The tropics are the area of hurricane formation because the conditions are perfect.  I will concentrate on the Caribbean and Americas for my study, where the hurricane season is between June and November, with hurricanes being most frequent in September.

        Hurricane ...

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