Are modern, hi-tech offices adversely affecting workers’ health?

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Are modern, hi-tech offices adversely affecting workers’ health?

Criterion A: Describing the issue.

In today’s high-tech world, most office buildings and other workplaces have a high proportion of advanced technological appliances. Mainly in reference to VDU’s (video display units), keyboards and mice, these places are potentially hazardous to workers’ health…especially when they spend long, uninterrupted or extremely frequent periods of time using the aforementioned tools.

Research has been carried out ever since there was worry that people could suffer adverse effects from prolonged exposure to radiation from VDU’s, and repetitive tasks performed to lead to carpal tunnel syndrome.

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Office situations today are more or less certain to expose workers to these conditions, with sitting in front of monitors all day long and being forced to sit typing repetitively for hours on end.

Criterion B: IT Background of the Issue

 Some health issues concerning computers didn't really exist until a few years ago. An example of this is the radiation problem taking time to manifest itself, the problem has always been there, but not until recently, after people suffered unusual symptoms after years of working with computers, at that point, experts began investigating the radiation ...

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