Assignment - Providing advice on lifestyle improvements

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Sarah Cook

Assignment 3

Providing advice on lifestyle improvements

Task 1

Increasing physical activity as a regular part of your day.

You should choose something that you can do regularly and something that you enjoying doing.

Fitting physical activity into your daily routine can be easy; you can exercise in your lunch break. If you don’t want to join a gym, instead you can take a 10-minute walk with the dog or even take the children to the park.

Make sure that you do something different everyday to keep it interesting or you will become de-motivated and you will stop doing exercise. You should be active most days of the week. You should also do at least 10 minutes of exercise at anytime because shorter bursts of exercise will not have the same health benefits, these include:

  • Decreasing anxiety.
  • Stress relief
  • Improving confidence and mental self-esteem.
  • Decreasing diseases such as hypertension, CHD and diabetes.


Changes in behaviour toward smoking

Precontemplation: In this stage you will feel like everything is ok about your behaviour, you use self talk to justify this e.g. “I am fitter than most people, there are plenty of people who don’t smoke and aren’t as fit as me.”

Contemplation: You know the dangers of smoking e.g. lung heart cancer. On occasions you will think about quitting.

Preparation: Within this stage where you are getting ready to make a behaviour change, for example you are going on holidays soon, this will change your regular routine, this is a good time to cut down or quit smoking.

Action: In this stage you actually make the effort to make a behaviour change.

Maintenance: Within this section you are maintaining the behaviour of quitting smoking.

“Most smokers will attempt to stop smoking on average at least six times before they finally become non smokers” 

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300 people die every day in the UK as a result of smoking; many of these are comparatively young smokers.

As a smoker there are many health risks that come with smoking:

  • Lung cancer.
  • Heart cancer.
  • Emphysema.
  • High blood pressure.

In each cigarette there are more than  and at least 400 toxic substances.


There are also many products that will help you too cut down and eventually quit smoking.

Nicotine gum: You chew the nicotine gum, you then place the chewing gum on the gums in your mouth, ...

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