Barriers to communication m2 d1

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Charliee  Nicholls

Unit 1

Task 2 M2 D1        

Debbie Reames

In my PowerPoint presentation, I outlined and explained the different barriers than can influence communication and the strategies that can be used by health and social care professionals to overcome this.

        One of the barriers which I identified was a hearing impairment. I said that one of the ways to overcome this barrier was with the use of a hearing aid. A hearing aid is for somebody who has a hearing impairment and the aim of it is to help them hear sounds and voices more clearly and easily.   Many services and leisure facilities advertise that they are able to use their hearing aids in their facility by using the ‘T loop position’.  It is also important that when you are communicating with somebody who has a hearing impairment that you ensure you face them directly & use consistent eye contact. If you are aware that somebody has a hearing impairment then you should be using this positive body language at all times. By allowing them to see your face, you are also giving them the option to lip read if they feel able to do so. This ensures that there are no problems within the communication cycle and that information is passed and received successfully. Sign language and makaton are also other forms of communication if somebody is unable to hear fully.  This should be used within schools, colleges, nurseries, doctors’ surgeries, hospitals etc. All staff should be fully trained to be able to use sign language and makaton in case they need to overcome this particular barrier to communication.

     To overcome some environmental barriers, you could change the room that you are in so that is more comfortable and a more relaxing, calm environment for the discussion to take place.  This is particularly important if you the service user is likely to get irate or angry. The lighting, noise level and amount of space can all contribute to complications within communication. For example, if you are working with the youth offending team, then the amount of space may be an important factor. It is essential that the room is quiet and you are not likely to get disturbed. If people are constantly coming in and out of the room then this will distract both the service user and the health and social care professional. Where you hold the meeting can also be an important part of confidentiality as parts of a conversation can easily be picked up.  Language barriers can be overcome by using a translator, this may also comfort the service user if they have someone who can speak their language if they do not feel comfortable speaking English etc. If you are communicating with someone non verbally, for example in a letter or e-mail, then you may be able to translate this into their chosen language so that they are able to fully understand the message that you are trying to send to them. There are many facilities on the internet which allows you to translate a statement from one language to another. If this is not available to you, then there are also dictionaries and books that can help you translate something. This should be used within doctor’s surgeries, hospitals, schools and colleges.

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            As I have previously stated, hearing aids, sign language, makaton and body language are all important factors when trying to overcome a hearing barrier within communication. Although hearing aids are commonly used to aid people who have a hearing impairment, there is not many places that advertise that they are able to use them in a particular place. The ‘T loop function’ enables those who use a hearing aid to be able to hear things easier and more clearly. The image that I have included is a sign that advertises the T loop ...

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