Communication and child development theories.

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Natalie Jones                CACHE Childcare and Education Level 3                     Wirral Metropolitan college    

 Twelve Quays Campus



Unit 2-Child Development

Section One

Criteria E1

Communication and language development is a really important part of a child’s life. To socialise is essential so they have the ability to communicate with others. Communication takes many forms including body language, facial expressions, and pictures and symbols although many communications involve the use of language.

Communication and Language

Birth to 1 year:

Babies recognise familiar voices; they will stop crying when they hear voices and when they do hear them they will automatically turn their heads towards the noises. Also during this stage of development a baby looks for an object that has been removed and when asked they can place an object in a container. They also can find an object that they have seen and hidden. Babies at this stage learn to say first real words, usually the names of animals and everyday things, they use gestures to emphasise word meanings.

1 year to 2 years:

As their development continues they can begin to point to parts of the body and point to a named picture. Usually at this age they can have a vocabulary of about 300 words, and they can name the main body parts. They can take out objects one by one from a container also do scribbles.

2 year to 3years:

By this stage a child can complete a three piece puzzle and can match three colours, and they can copy a circle. At this age they can use more terms of speech associated to adults language such as ‘that’, ‘this’, ‘here’, and ‘then’ etc. A child at this stage of development can ask questions in which to find out more information, they can also sing songs and nursery rhymes, enjoying books and stories at this age.

3 year to 4 years:

Children at this age can begin to understand the concept of time. They remember events in the past and can anticipate events in the future; therefore they talk about things in the past and future. At this age they enjoy counting up to 20 by rote, and understand the concept of number up to 3. Children at this stage tell long stories, sometimes confusing fact and fantasy.

4 year to 5 years:

A child will be able to use language to communicate to a practitioner or parent to give them assistance or help, when communicating at this age children may be unaware that many common words have irregular forms-for example talking in the past tense ‘ I walk’ becomes ‘I walked’, ‘I runned’ or ‘I goed’ instead of ‘I ran’, or ‘I went’. Also at this stage they can state their full name, address and their date of birth almost correctly. At this age their interested in reading and writing, they will produce drawing with good detail for example ‘a house with windows, doors etc’.

5 year to 6 years:

A child at this stage should have a vocabulary of around 1,500 to 4,000 words and will ask more questions including more words to put together a sentence for example ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘how’, ‘who’ etc. They are steadily developing literacy skills (reading and writing). A child at this age can express themselves in speech and writing, they can begin to understand hot to tell the time and they can also use a computer mouse and keyboard for simple word processing.

Criteria E2

Intellectual development includes the process of gaining, storing, recalling and finding use of information. Children are thinking, learning and formulating new ideas about themselves.

Intellectual development

Birth to 1 year:

A baby at this age can recognise parents and will concentrate on familiar voices for example their mother or father. They explore using their mouths by outing objects, toys into their mouth by feeling the shape and texture, a baby observes objects that move; and responds to bright colours and images. They should show interest to everything, especially toys and books. They process information through images and babies this age enjoy water play in the bath.

1 year to 2years:

At this stage children can point to objects which they want and generally choose named object such as ‘cup’ or ‘book’. They can also match basic colours and shapes during games or activities at home or nursery. Children at this stage can show allot of curiosity and enjoys exploring using their senses, for example looking at objects and picking the object up taking in the shapes and colours.

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2 year to 3 years:

Children at this age can identify facial features as well as main body parts for example leg, foot, arm, head etc. A progression through matching colours and shapes, more difficult activities such as puzzles and simple jigsaws can be introduced. Pointing to objects in pictures books become more easily for the child as well as an understanding of big and small.

3 year to 4 years:

They continually enjoy imaginative and creative play or with activities and are interested in more complex construction based tasks. A child can learn about basic concepts through play and ...

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