Cost of Smoking to Health

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Richard Bradley

Cost of Smoking to Health

Introduction on smoking

I would love to be given £1456, this is a serious amount of money, it could be the difference between being able to see, having a better lifestyle and the advantage of being more social whereas £1456 is spent on these little white sticks that actually damage you!. I am sure that any person would be grateful to be given £1456 in cash, for doing nothing. Unfortunately this is approximately the amount of money that each individual smoker spends every year, being that they smoke twenty cigarettes a day and spend over £4.00 (Bathroom Index) on a measly packet of death defying sticks. The Cigarette is the most common way of smoking tobacco. What being worse is this smoking is actually damaging the body, and their health, meaning £1456 is being spend of pain and suffering to these smokers, not just the smokers that suffer, approximately 700 people die from lung cancer, heart disease or stroke because of passive smoking at work. Another 3,600 people die as a result of second-hand smoke at home. (Professor Konrad Jamrozik). Two thirds of adults do not smoke, most of these adults that do smoke start when they are young, usually in their early teens (Pete Sanders and Steve Myers).

What is in cigarettes?

When a person smokes they inhale about 4,000 chemicals through the mouth and into the lungs. (Health Education Authority) Some of these chemicals being: Acetic Acid that is vinegar, acetone that is nail polish remover, ammonia which is a powerful cleaning agent and arsenic that is a dangerous poison used as an insecticide. These chemicals are dangerous, some of them such as Formaldehyde that is highly poisonous and arsenic that is used as a rat poison, these approximate number of chemicals are damaging the human race and killing about 114000 (Plymouth NHS) UK residents each and every year, worldwide this is approximately 4 million people. Approximately 3,000 teens light up for the first time everyday, this number is increasing and the government are introducing acts and new laws to the public such as a public smoking ban – so smokers are not allowed to smoke in public places, such as restaurants and work places. (Plymouth NHS)

Smoking Effects

Forty percent of men who are heavy smokers will die before they reach retirement age, this is a large amount of men, being only eighteen percent of men that are non smokers will die. (Parlay International)  Death from smoking is largely due to the harmful chemicals another death relation from smoking is cancer, the problem many researchers and scientists are looking into preventing, and people put their bodies at risk to these cancer causing toxins called carcinogens that facilitate cancer, there are at lease 43 known in cigarettes (Health Education Authority). Carcinogens may cause cancer by altering cellular metabolism or damaging DNA directly in cells (Wikipedia). The healthcare spends millions of the Government’s money each year on smoking related problems and looking after smoking related diseases. Yet damage from smoking doesn’t stop there 120000 men in the UK are now impotent as a result of smoking (BMA). Carbon monoxide in cigarettes makes it more difficult for blood to carry oxygen around the body, this along with the nicotine can make the blood much thicker in some extreme cases making blood stop all together leading to heart attacks (Raoul R. Diez).

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Why People actually smoke

 Many of the teenage peer pressured smokers only still smoke because of the addictive drug; nicotine, the first cigarette most people smoke tastes very unpleasant, as smoking is not a natural thing for your body after awhile and more smoking, smokers become used to the burning sensation and explain that they enjoy the feeling of smoking. Some smokers state that it makes them feel more confident, or they like the feeling of the cigarette in their hands. One in every three people that smoke says that they didn’t mean to carry on smoking (Pete ...

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