Cultural diversity and communication

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Rita Pierre

Cambridge technical in health and social care

Unit 1: developing effective communication in health and social care

Task 2: Cultural variations… what’s the impact

There are numerous definitions of ‘culture’ that refer to patterns of behaviour

and belief, for example:

The complete way of life of a people: the shared attitudes, values, goals, and

practices that characterize a group; their customs, art, literature, religion,

philosophy, etc.; the pattern of learned and shared behaviour among the

members of a group.

Learned behaviour of people, which includes their belief systems and languages,

their social relationships, their institutions and organizations, and their

material goods — food, clothing, buildings, tools, and machines.

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Different cultures have different norms, values and expectations, and these cultural differences have a strong influence on educational practices. The nature and outcomes of caregiving are different for various reasons, depending on such factors as  gender; age; cultural/ethnic traditions, values and beliefs; minority status; In order to provide effective care caregivers need to be aware of and be responsive to these culturally diverse groups. Fear of stigma in response to a disease or physical disability may influence minority group members’ experiences of caregiving. They may also make them less likely to receive social and professional support services, ...

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