"Describe and assess the effectiveness of the medical model"

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"Describe and assess the effectiveness of the medical model"

The medical model describes that: mental disorders are caused by abnormal physiological processes rather than psychological causes.

The medical approach is very broad and focuses on the role of genetic, neurological and biochemical factors in the onset of mental disorders. For example, with genetics, the research into concordance rates has shown that if one of a monozygotic twin pair develops schizophrenia, there is a 50% chance that the other will also develop it. Anxiety disorders are explained by defects in the nervous system causing the person to be too easily aroused; depression is seen as a dysfunction in the neuronal transmission process. Other causes may include structural abnormalities of the brain or abnormal hormone levels.

The approach practices reductionism; the view that complex phenomena (such as thoughts, feelings and emotions) can be completely understood and explained at a more basic level; as biological processes. This simplification has been criticised for being insufficient for truly understanding psychopathology "The crippling flaw of the medical model is that it...can make provision neither for the person as a whole nor for the data of a psychological or social nature" (Engel, 1980). This statement implies that biological explanations of what occurs cannot explain their 'function'. For example blushing. At its biological level, it is simply a change in the vascular blood flow. Psychologically, a person blushes when they are embarrassed. Socially, they blush when embarrassed in a public setting. No single level can sufficiently provide an explanation of blushing
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Because of the fact that the patient is seen as having a 'disease' they are subsequently seen as a victim and are therefore not responsible for their actions and in need of care. This can be very controversial as diminished responsibility may lead to sectioning or involuntary treatment.

Sectioning involves taking the patient into care against their will and treating them involuntarily

This is very controversial as the persons basic human rights are being taken away. Sectioning is not very effective as psychological illnesses can only really be treated if the person wants to be treated. ...

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