Describe and Discuss Two Alternative Psychological Approaches To Abnormal Behaviour

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Anne Bingham Health and Welfare (Abnormal Behaviour)


The word psychology is derived from two Greek words, psyche which means mind, soul or spirit and logos which means study. When the two are put together it means 'study of the mind', hence the word psychology.

Different psychologists take different approaches towards abnormal behaviour. The main four approaches are: psychodynamic, behaviourist, cognitive, humanist. None of these approaches are either wrong or right, they are merely just different ways of dealing with different people's problems.

We will concentrate on two of these approaches: cognitive and psychodynamic and look at the therapies involved in treating patients with various psychological abnormalities, and the therapists who helped develop the approaches.

The cognitive approach concentrates on changing the way a person thinks about themselves or their environment and other people. Cognitions are a combination of faulty thoughts and the incapability to make good decisions, which lead to depression and anxiety. By changing the way people think and see things, alters their whole perspective on life and therefore makes them better. Optimistic people are less likely to become depressed as they look on the bright side and envisage everything around them as being good or there for a reason. On the other hand pessimists have a negative view on everything, seeing even minor events as being a disaster, which to the optimist would be seen as a challenge. Some people have no self worth or confidence at all, either through something that has happened to them at some time or just simply because they are who they are. They constantly think of themselves as useless or stupid. Whatever they do in life they feel they haven't done good enough or could have done better. Although the aim of all cognitive therapy is the same, they differ slightly with different psychologists. Beck's idea was that depressives see themselves as victims, having negative thoughts about themselves, the world and the future, and these thoughts seem to come automatically and involuntarily. Beck would build quite a close relationship with the client, treating him more along the lines of a colleague in order to research the reality behind the client's negative thoughts. For example, if a client was to say, "I'm a poor father because my children are not disciplined",(Beck 1963). Beck would take the second part of the statement and seek factual evidence about it's truth; he would also focus on the evaluative conclusion that one is a poor father because one's children sometimes misbehave. In this way a client is trained to distance themselves from things, to be more objective and distinguish fact from fiction, and to see things in proportion and not such extreme terms.
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Meichenbaum believes that neurotic behaviour is due partly to faulty internal speech dialogues in which a patient fails to self-instruct successfully, for instance, people who have difficulty recovering after exposure to a trauma continue to behave in ways that may no longer be necessary. It is a therapist's task to help clients understand and appreciate the adaptive value of how they respond, but to also help them appreciate the "price" of continuing to respond in this fashion, when it is no longer needed. This approach helps clients reframe their reactions as adaptive strengths, rather than as signs of ...

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This essay aimed to discuss two approaches to managing psychological disorders. The writer is clearly very knowledgeable of the chosen approaches and of their proponents. The work regarding psychoanalysis was particularly good, utilising some research to back up the writer?s points. There was some reference to research which was not supported with references, and there was some scope to clarify some of the points made by use of examples ? eg. why is psychoanalysis controversial? The writing style was good overall. Remember to include a list of references at the end of the work. 4/5