Describe different type of communication and interpersonal interaction. Using examples relevant to health and social care settings.

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Unit 1 – Communication Skills Mathew

Case study

I am a teacher: I’m a teacher, I work withy young children and also with other staff members. The type of communication that I use with the children is a one to one communication, this is because I and the children share our views, opinions and information with one and another. One to one communication also involves me and one student only where no one else is involved. This type of communication ensures that and it will show that I have the student’s attention in that main moment. When you communicate with students at each time it can make them feel special and also it will make them being cared as they will have your attention.  The type of communication that I se with the staff is a group communication and also formal language as we have to share information, views and also require help when needed. I use interpersonal interactions using correct understandable language so that the students can understand and also use an apocopate speech. It’s very important as a teacher not to use inappropriate language likes slang words, jargon and informal language with the students or staff members. In every daily basis the communication cycle is being used over and over again. As we send the messages or information and we will have a reply back. In the environment that we live in the students tend to have views and opinions about other students values and beliefs its very important that we as teachers will try to persuade them that every one has deferent values and beliefs but at the same time they should all be respected. Time does appear sometimes a bad influence in our daily communication basis. But however I do over some this barrier I give 15 minutes to each student to talk to me about their view, opinions and also express their feelings.

I am a doctor: I’m a doctor and in there settings that I work with its very important to analyze how we communicate with our patients with the staff. The type of communication that I use is one to one communication and also group communication. I tend to use a one to one communication when I’m talking to my client about their health issues and it’s only between me and the client. The group communication I use it when I have to communicate with my staff about the clients, treatments, medication and also about health issues. It’s very important that I and the staff share important information about our clients so we can provide better health for them. The type of language that I use towards my patients and staff is formal language; this type of language also involves writing letters, fax, flyers or posters with information and also making telephone calls to my patients. It’s very important as a doctor not to use informal language like slang words, different dialect and also jargon as we are working in a professional health settings area. Sometimes there are difficulties in the language as my patient doesn’t speak English we then have to get an interpreter in the language that they require so we can pass on messages and information about their health. Every patient has different values and believes and they are not same as every one but it’s very important that we respect each individual and their values and beliefs we cannot stereotype them in a kind of discriminatory way. It’s very important in hath care settings to treat every patient as an individual. In many patients anxiety seems to be produced and it’s very important that I look out for any signs and symptoms and ask my staff if I would be legal to give them any kind of medication to calm their anxiety.

(P1) Describe different type of communication and interpersonal interaction. Using examples relevant to health and social care settings.

                                       Types of communication:

One to one:

This type of communication happens between one person and another where no one is involved in that conversation. A one to one communication can happen by sending or receiving a letter, phone calls, text message or talking face to face. A one to one communication can make a person feel special and being cared as it swill seem like you are making time for that person and also have your attention. Doctor’s social workers, nurses use one to one communication.

Group communication:

A group communication is used with more than two people in a conversation this is usually used to a way of sharing something like, views, ideas, giving information to each other. Group information is really important as you will get new ideas for your work. A group communication in health and social are settings is that one staff know the safety and also the clients, it means that certain information has been passed to a lot of people. A group communication is a positive thing because it makes the person to understand the message or information really clearly. Counseling, schools, hospitals surgery use group communication.

Formal communication: 

This type of communication follows rules and so formal communication language is used. This type of language is mostly used between employers and employees and also between professionals and patients. This type of language may include writing letters, fax sheets with information, text messaging talking on the phone and also care plans. In formal communication no slang words are used they use a good tone in a respectful a and the written letter are in a good formal way that conveys that the message should be listened so that actions can be taken.

Informal communication:

This type of language is mostly common used between people who know each other personally. This type of language involves slang words that people use with each other. Language tends to be spoken or written by using words that people are familiar with them for example a student goes into a classroom and says “Hi Mrs. Rose” instead of saying good morning or good afternoon Mrs. Rose.

Types of interpersonal interaction: 

Language is the way that we send and receive information this can involve verbal or non verbal. There are two main forms of language like speaking and writing, speech is the use of spoken symbols, language is very important in our lives.


We can now know how we feel on the way that we speak through tone and pitch, organs of our speech, or our mouth, larynx, teeth and tongue People that we are trying to a send message to them know how we feel by the way that we talk to them what type of tone we use in our communication.

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In different countries different languages are spoken and within each country variation of the central language occurs which depends on the factors like culture variation, dialect or local terms of objects people and places. Language is very important to every individual it involves new words coming into out vulcobary. One word has 2 different meaning as it deals with different situations or events. Language involves the following:

  • Dialect – This is a original of a language with different volcabury, grammar and punctuations, for example in Scotland English words are pronounced different depending on the region ...

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