Describe different types of communication and interpersonal interaction and the factors which may influence them with particular reference to health and social care settings P1 & P3.

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        Unit 1                        16/03/2009

        BTEC National Diploma in Health & Social Care

Describe different types of communication and interpersonal interaction and the factors which may influence them with particular reference to health and social care settings P1 & P3.


Good communication is central to working with children, young people, their families, old people and carers. It involves listening, questioning, understanding and responding to what is being communicated by children, young people, old people and those caring for them.

It is important to be able to communicate both on a one-on-one basis and in a group context. Communication is not just about the words you use, but also your manner of speaking, body language and, above all, the effectiveness with which you listen. To communicate effectively it is important to take account of culture and context, for example where English is an additional language.

One to one
When we start a conversation with someone else we must try to create the right kind of feeling. We and the other person must feel relaxed and happy to talk to you. It is important to create the right emotional atmosphere before you can go on to discuss complicated issues or give people information. People starting a conversation with ‘Good morning’ or ‘Hi’, we must show that we are relaxed and friendly. Any conversation has a beginning, middle and the end. When it is time to ending the conversation it is important to end it by saying something like ‘See you soon’.


When the group’s members are involved the group conversation works. It is very important that the group has the right emotional atmosphere because sometimes people stay quiet or speak very quiet because they worry about the reaction of others but sometimes people feel threatened if they have to speak. We have ‘group leader’, that mean in a group discussion we have a chair person. Leader is good for people because they can express their ideas. In formal groups e.g., work meetings it is very important to think about the points you going to say to them. Because talking to a group can feel very different from talking in one - to one situation.

Jahari window

  The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harry Bumburg in the 1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness. The Johari Window is a communication model that can be used to improve understanding between individuals within a team or in a group setting. Johari Window can also be used to improve a group's relationship with other groups

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Formal and informal communication

Every one needs to use informal communication when you know people well such as friends and family. Family and friends can use terms which they only understand. Local groups have their own ways of speaking e.g. ‘Hi ya mate, how’s it going’ but in different cities they my say ’Hello, how are you’. Formal communication is needed in health and social care work e.g. hospital reception. The receptionist every time they say ’Good morning, how can I help you’ formal communication also shows respect to others. In our own lives we use informal and ...

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