Describe different types of communication and interpersonal interactions using examples relevant to health and social care settings

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Task 1 – Describe different types of communication and interpersonal interaction, using examples relevant to health and social care settings.

Types of Communication:


One to one communication is the interaction between two people; other types of one-to-one communication could be email or instant messaging. Examples of one-to-one communication in health care could be a patient talking to his/her doctor, a doctor talking to a patient’s family and a doctor breaking sensitive news to a patient.


Group communication is getting a small group of people together who share the same problem to talk about it. These work better when the group is small as the leader can interact better than working with a large group. In health care, group communication can range from AA meetings (Alcohol anonymous) to drug abuse to various phobias which people want to overcome.


Formal communication is the interaction between two or more people, which does adhere to the rules of formal communication. Formal communication requires appropriate verbal and non-verbal skills. Other examples of formal communication are; a formal letter or email. Formal communication is present everywhere in health and social care, for example, explaining procedures such as surgical operations and negotiating with others during a case conference to discuss care plans.  

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Informal communication is the interaction between two or more people, which does not adhere to the rules of formal communication. Examples of this in a health care setting – Greeting relatives and introducing yourself to relatives and short conversations while giving practical assistance to people such as helping them to move.


Text communication allows deaf and hard of hearing people to communicate with hearing people and with other deaf people. The way in which this happens is with a text telephone. Instead of listening and talking the text telephone allows people to message each ...

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Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

Overall a good essay that covers the main ideas of communication. The second half of the essay is better than the first with more detailed descriptions. As the title refers only to description, and not explanation, the depth of writing is adequate to satisfy this. It would benefit from a greater range of examples of health and care settings. To extend the writing, the essay could discuss the communication cycle or SOLER behaviours. ***