Describe the stages of the communication cycle

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Karim HoussainiUnit 1 – Communication P2 – Describe the stages of the communication cycle For this part of the assignment I will be describing the different stages of the communication cycle, after having done this I will then describe a scenario that relates to health and social care using the communication cycle. There are seven different stages to the communication cycle theses are: Idea occurs Message coded Message sent Message receivedMessage decoded Message understood   Without just any one of these stages the cycle would not work.
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The first stage of the communication cycle is the idea occur, this is where you think about what you are going to say to the other person. After having done this then you have to code the message. This could mean how you are going to say it what body language you are going to user and also it could be in to a different language or even sign language. After having done this you send the message that you were just thinking about this can be done verbally for example singing or speaking. Or it could also be done ...

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This has the makings of a very good essay but I feel it is a little unbalanced at the moment. The writer has given some good and strong explanations for the legalising of drugs but has not really applied the same work to the disadvantages. The work could be easily extended if further investigation went into the disadvantages. It would also benefit from some statistics and references. ****