Diet and Disease: Cancer

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Diet and Disease:  Cancer

What causes the disease…

        Cancer is what happens when a part of your body grows in an uncontrollable way and damages healthy parts.  In other words, cancer results when one group of cells grows and multiplies in a disorderly and uncontrolled way.  There are many myths as to what causes cancer and what doesn’t.  The three most common sources of cancer are cigarettes, sunlight and a high-fat diet. Some people believe that cancer develops from many things including everything from cell phones, to computer screens to brand name shampoos.  But in many cases, the cause of cancer is and will remain a mystery.

The effects on the body…

        Tumors – Cancer develops into primary tumors, invading into adjacent and distant parts of the body.  A tumor is any unusual growth of extra cells in or on the body surface.  Some tumors are also called growth or malignant or cancerous.  It is not common for all doctors to suspect all tumors to be cancerous.

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        Weight Loss – Cancer makes you loose weight by making you loose your appetite.  If cancer is in or near the digestive tract, it may also interfere with the body’s ability to absorb and digest food.

        Production of Hormones – Different types of cancers may produce their own variations of the body’s hormones and release into the bloodstream.  These substances may interfere with several of the body’s functions – regulation of the body’s calcium, for example, or the amount of urine produced, or the balance of the body’s own steroid hormones.

Food and Cancer…

        The growth of a malignant tumor ...

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