Human Biology Assignment One

Tissues by Victoria Jackson

Tissues are defined as a group of associated, similarly structured cells that with their ground substance act together in the performance of a specialised function for the survival of the multicellular organism.  The tissues are classified into four main groups which are epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous.

( accessed 08 October 2004)

Epithelial Tissues

Epithelial tissues form the covering of all body surfaces with the functions being to provide protective covering, absorption, secretion, diffusion, sensation and contractility.  They are tightly packed together with little intercellular matrix and can be squamous (flattened or scale like), cuboidal (cube), or columnar (cylindrical or column like) in shape and may be arranged in single or multiple layers.

I have chosen to look more into Ciliated Columnar Epithelium;

This is a tall column like cell with a nucleus at the bottom near the basement membrane, with cilia and lots of cytoplasm above the nucleus.  Examples of where this can be found are in respiratory tracts and the fallopian tubes.  The cilia move together in a wave motion so mucus and other foreign particles are expelled.  Goblet cells are usually present for mucus production.  Towards the fimbriate end of the ovaries it is ciliated in order to pass the eggs through the fallopian tubes although closer to the uterus area it is non-ciliated due to that area being more for secretion.  The numbers of these two types of epithelium varies according to the time during the menstrual cycle.

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(ARMSTRONG, K AND JACKSON, S. (1972) Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses)

 Connective Tissues

These tissues are responsible for cushioning, supporting and maintaining form within the body and are found all over the body linking and supporting organs.  Connective tissue examples are; adipose (fatty tissues), loose connective tissue, dense fibrous connective tissue, elastic connective tissue, cartilage, osseous tissue (bone), tendons and ligaments.

I have chosen to look more at adipose (fatty tissue):

Adipose is a specialised type of connective tissue which ...

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