Drawing on examples from your placement and from other life experiences, describe the different concepts of ill health:Disability Iatrogenesis The sick role The clinical iceberg

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In this assignment I am going to:

  • Describe different concepts of health
  • Compare patterns and trends of health inequalities to explain the patterns and trends of health and illness in three different social groups
  • Evaluate the four sociological explanations for health inequalities in terms of explaining the patterns and trends of health and illness in three different social groups.

(P4). Drawing on examples from your placement and from other life experiences, describe the different concepts of ill health:

  • Disability
  • Iatrogenesis
  • The sick role
  • The clinical iceberg


An individual who is disabled is an individual with an impairment who experiences disability. Disability is the result of negative interactions that occur between an individual with an impairment and her or his social environment. Impairment is the term used to describe an injury, illness or a condition that causes or is likely to cause a loss of the ‘normal’ function of the body. Disability is defined as the loss or limitation of opportunities to take part in society with equal opportunities like others due to social and environmental barriers. For example when a wheelchair bound individual cannot go to a local supermarket because it is not wheelchair accessible. The individual has an impairment but the society is making the individual disabled because he or she has a limitation of what he or she can do (Anon, n/d).


Iatrogenesis is defined as ‘doctor generated’. This term refers to sickness which is produced by medical activity, this was introduced by Ivan Illich. He recognizes three major types of iatrogenesis. Clinical iatrogenesis is the term used to describe ill-health that is contracted in a hospital. This iatrogenesis consists of unwanted side-effects of medications and doctor ignorance, neglect, or malpractice that can poison or kill the patient. Social iatrogenesis is the process where people place themselves in the hands of professionals to become mass consumers of medical products. Medicine has gained power and status. Cultural iatrogenesis is the term used to describe a society which becomes over-concerned with good health thus making it difficult to have a positive attitude about impairment and to cope with death appropriately. An example of iatrogenesis is when an individual is given medication and he or she is experiencing side effects of the medication, such as skin rash (Marshall, 1998).

The sick role

Sick role is a term used to describe social behaviors which are exhibited both by individuals who are sick and the individuals around them. This term was introduced by Talcott Parsons around the 1950s.

Individuals who are sick break the structure of society because they are not viewed as positive addition o society. Though sick individuals may not necessarily want to be in the position they are in. According to Parsons some individuals who end up with the sick roles are generally not their fault. Having the sick role comes with obligations under the sick role theory. Individuals who are sick are expected to get better and also to work on getting better. For example going to the doctor and cooperating with treatment plans. An example of the sick role is when an individual is admitted to hospital due to dehydration. The individual in this example will have the sick role which means that his or her usual role in society will continue after he or she is feeling better (Smith, 2010).

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The clinical iceberg

Clinical iceberg is the term used to describe large amount of illnesses that go unreported. This happens because it is thought that the ‘true levels of illness are largely concealed. This usually happens because individuals who are ill do not visit their doctor often. For example the Medical Statistics are created based on information obtained from the doctors, these statistics go on to make government policies on healthcare. An example of the clinical iceberg is when an individual doesn’t go to his or her doctor when he or she is feeling sick. Therefore there will be ...

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