Drug Addiction: Understanding the effects of DrugAbuse.

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Drug Addiction:  Understanding the effects of Drug Abuse.

Assignment 3.

Give your point of view regarding Drug Regulation in the United States.  Do you think they are effective?

The main policy-making organization for the international control of drugs is the commission on Narcotic Drugs which has delegates from the member states on the United Nations (UN), along with representation from all those non-UN countries which signed the 1961 Convention.  The commission receives information and recommendations from a variety of interested organization and, and instigates surveys and research.  Its role is to devise and monitor strategies aimed at the control of drug abuse and to advise governments on the appropriate systems of legal restraints.  As the United States (US) is part of the United Nations, it is believed that they to will have a role to play within this commission.

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Drug prohibition requires the suppression by force of unauthorized cultivation, manufacture, transport across national frontiers, marketing and personal use of controlled substances.  US expenditure continues to spiral upwards: the federal drug control budget now exceeds $15 billion, representing a fourfold increase in expenditure over 10 years, and more than two-thirds of this is allocated to the suppression of supply.  Approx. four hundred thousand people are languishing in US jails for violating drug laws.  Whilst it is now standard practice for purchasers of treatment services to demand clear evidence of effectiveness, no such structures are applied to enforcement agencies.  It ...

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