Essay on banning smoking in public places

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Essay on banning smoking in public places Cigarette smoking is a major cause of heart attack, stroke and lung cancer. Each year it causes so many deaths and still people carry on smoking as if it was good for them. Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals which intoxicate the lungs so much the lungs become hideously inefficient. The tar coats the inside of the lungs: this prevents the lungs getting rid of unwanted bacteria. The tar contains carcinogens which can cause lung cells to mutate to form the lung cancer, a few years back people didn’t know this for
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sure but out of every ten lung cancer patients, nine of them smoke. That’s a pretty obvious connection to me. The other illness these “death tubes” produce are: heart disease, lung cancer, bronchitis, emphysema, gum disease and many many more.  Giving up is extremely hard. A smoker’s body gets dependant on nicotine. When a smoker stops taking nicotine, they get nasty withdrawal symptoms which make them feel stressed and irritable. It is however possible to give up, but it takes a lot of determination. . Sounds like a lot of hassle to me, much better just not smoking in the ...

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