Explain interactions of muscle groups in maintaining posture and in locomotion of the whole body

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M3- Explain interactions of muscle groups in maintaining posture and in locomotion of the whole body

Muscles can cause either locomotion of the organism itself or movement of internal organs. Cardiac and smooth muscle contraction occurs without conscious thought and is necessary for survival. Examples are the contraction of the heart and peristalsis which pushes food through the digestive system.

When a person walks, the calf muscle contracts and raises the heel, it pushes the ball of the foot against the ground. The hamstring muscles then contract to pull the femur back and bend the knee. The leg is now raised. The weight of the body is now supported by the left leg since the right foot loses contact with the ground. The quadriceps will contract, pulling the femur forward and extending the leg. After the extension of the legs, the foot with the heel touching the ground first will regain contact with the ground again. The weight of the whole body is supported by the right leg. This sequence is repeated with the left leg.

At the time of heel-strike, the ankle is in slight dorsiflexion and the anterior leg muscles contract in order to prevent the forefoot from slapping down. The muscles progressively relax to lower the foot and weight is transferred up the lateral side of the foot and then across the ball of the foot as the stance phase progresses. The last part of the foot remaining on the ground is the medial part of the ball of the foot and the great toe. This is termed “toe-off” and begins the swing phase.

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A person’s posture and their body motion are not symmetrical, but as long as they are not falling down, their body is balanced. If the person is standing, their posture may be distorted, and their muscles may be working harder than they should be to hold the person up, but they are mechanically balanced. Our bodies would fall forward without muscles pulling us back. Keeping your balance is unconscious most of the time, but constantly staying upright has very real effects on the Contracting, Connecting and Control motion systems.

The Contracting System: Standing and Shifting muscles work ...

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