Explain key influences on the personal learning processes of individuals. Assess the impact of key influences on the personal learning processes on your own learning.

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P1 & M1

Explain key influences on the personal learning processes of individuals.

Assess the impact of key influences on the personal learning processes on own learning.

There are many different factors that influence a person’s learning; these can be negative or positive, stimuli’s or barriers. Visual learning styles are called kinaesthetic and auditory. A visual learner is someone who learns by watching something, such as a video and watching someone demonstrating something, watching them do something, for example a person may learn to drive by watching someone regularly driving.  Kinaesthetic learning mean a person learn by doing something, such as a practical activate. Auditory learning is learning by listening, for example listening to a teaching during a lesson.  An example of another stimulus would be inspiration from a former teacher because that teacher has had an influence a person and influenced them in a positive way, they now may practice or carried on learning  what they were taught by that teach through their life growing up.  TV programs that have educational influences can teach people something without them realising they are been taught, because what they are watching they are interested in, they are paying a lot of attention to it, and if it is said in a fun way, or a way they can relate to it, it will stick in their minds.  Theses learn are normally auditory or visual. Barriers of learning include setting; noise and lighting are important factors whilst learning, for example, in a very noisy environment someone would find it hard to concentrate. Personal problems are also barriers of learning, people with personal problem will find it hard to consecrate and think about anything else, they will be concentrating and thinking of their problems, or they may have to take time out of education they are in, to deal with what is happening in their life, this would have a significant effort on their learning. Illness and disability can also be barriers to learning, illness can stop you from attending education that you are in, and because of pain and discomfort it would make it very difficult to concentrate while the person was there. Disability can cause many problems, if a person is physically disabled it can make it hard for them to travel, problems getting into the building and around the building where they are learning depending on the disabled access it has.


Evaluate how personal learning and development may benefit others.

Personal learning and development does not just involve self-help, it includes formal and informal way, teachers, guides, counsellors, managers, life coach or mentors. Personal development is helped with methods, programs, tools, techniques, and assessment systems that support human development depending on the individual.

For D1 I will describe how three psychologists explain why different individuals learn in different ways.

Honey and Mumford created a learning style theory to find out how different people learn better different ways, they came up with four categories activist, reflector, theorist, and pragmatist. Activists like to be heard and involved, they like to be the control of the situation, they like new possibilities and ideas. They think and plan before they act and can lose interest in what they are doing very easily. How they learn the most is working with others and taking control of the group. Their less preferred learning situations are doing tasks alone, listening, rather than visually learning what they are going to go. Reflectors like to observe what they have to do from a distance, they like to consider and reflex on the situation from different perspectives. They have all their information before they contribute and make a decision.  How they learn the most is, observing and listening well and they like to work alone. Their less preferred learning situations are taking the lead of a group, having to speak aloud and performing in front of other students. Feeling rushed and pressured does not help them. Theorist like to work with other people, they like to develop different ideas and way round things to make something better, they think very logically and carefully, they are normally very organised people, that follow a routine within their studying life and they like rules. They are not emotional people and do not let things upset them for a long period of time. How they learn the most is working with different ideas, and working with people with open minds. They like to be able to question information so they can find out more information, having a clean structure and rules of what they need to do and having a deadline to complete work. Less preferred learning situations are when they cannot identify with the people who they are working with and having no structure or purpose within their working group. Pragmatists like to know what they are doing right and wrong, they like to know feedback from others, other study partners and teachers. They like to experiment with what they are doing, pragmatists like to get on with what they are doing and they don’t like to waste time. How they learn the most is having a clean plan of what has to be done, having the opportunity to try different things different ways. They are very happy to learn and copy from those they consider to be role models. Less preferred learning situations are not having enough information or guidance on how they need to do something and mainly learning with the focus on theory with no practical aspects. Honey and Mumford’s theory can be very helpful for people development and learning because it is useful for people working in health and social care to know when teaching other people so they can understand how the different individuals they are teaching will learn differently and they can incorporate this into their learning methods whilst teaching.

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Gibbs developed a reflective cycle, is a popular model of reflection that takes emotion strongly into account whilst looking at how different people learn better differently. Gibbs reflection cycle has 6 parts to it. Description – what has happened? This is the matter of fact, what has just happened. Feelings – what were you thinking and feeling? At the time of action what were your thoughts and what were your emotions. Evaluation – what was good and bad about the experience? Tell yourself what was good and bad about the experience so you can learn from it and try to ...

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This essay contains a lot of information about learning and learning styles. The writer has discussed three theories and evaluated their own development. It is a little descriptive at times though the discussion of theories is quite sound. It could be enhanced by trying to build up explanations and by developing the evaluation. ****