Explain potential hazards in health and social care settings

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Task 1 – Explain potential hazards in health and social care settings

It is the responsibility every employer and employee to comply with the terms of the Health and Safety at Work Order Northern Ireland 1978 and subsequent legislation and to provide and maintain a healthy, safe working environment. Failure to comply with requirement can result in unsafe practices. I will list and discuss these below:

Hazards can be identified by the following categories.

Chemical – chemicals that are potentially toxic or irritating to the body, including medications, solutions and gases. Some examples of these at home are cleaning agents such as bleach, in hospital, formaldehyde, glutaradehyde, and waste anaesthetic gases. At home medications left lying around especially for children, create risks. In hospitals risks are from, unsafe storage of medication and handling of, hazardous drugs such as cytotoxic agents, pentamidine and ribavirin.


Psychological – these are factors or situations encountered either in the home or at work that create or increase stress, emotional strain and any other interpersonal problems. Examples of these are, stress in the home caused by a variety of reasons for example, poor marital relations, debt, poor living conditions and physical abuse. At work shift work, workplace violence, inadequate staffing heavy workload, increases in patient dependency.  

Biological – these hazards are infectious or biological agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites that may be transmitted by contact with infected patients/people or contaminated body secretions/fluids. Examples in hospitals are the Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Vancomycin resistant enterococcus (VRE), Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Clostridium difficile, Hepatitis B and C viruses and Tuberculosis. At home the threat of the above is also present. In healthcare and at home poor storage, preparation of food can cause food poisoning.

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Physical – these are agents within the work or home environment that can cause tissue trauma for example radiation, lasers, noise, electricity, extreme temperatures, violence not all of these would be applicable to the home environment.

Environmental/ mechanical - these are factors encountered in the environment that cause or lead to accidents, injuries, stain or discomfort. For example tripping hazards, unsafe/unguarded equipment, air quality, slippery floors, confined spaces, cluttered or obstructed areas, corridors, forceful exertions, awkward postures, localised contact stresses, vibration temperature extremes, repetitive, prolonged motions or activities, lifting and moving objects or patients.


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On the whole the essay looks at some of the areas of health and safety in care settings. There is far too much material included that is not relevant to the title and the writer should ensure that they stay focused on the title. More examples are needed and a more detailed discussion of dangers individual groups of service users may face. ***