Explain the nature of two named physiological disorders. Heart disease and Breast Cancer

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Unit 14: Physiological Disorders.

P1: Explain the nature of two named physiological disorders.

This unit covers physiological disorders. Physiological disorders can be defined as a malfunction within the body’s organs or systems causing illness, it is a physical condition that prevents the body from functioning normally. The two different physiological disorders I will be talking about are Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) and Cancer of the breast.

Coronary heart disease is the buildup of plaque such as cholesterol and other fatty substances within the coronary arteries causing a reduced or no supply of oxygen to the heart. The process of plaque lining the coronary arteries is called arteriosclerosis. Coronary heart disease can be caused and triggered by many different factors. Some of which include; Smoking, smokers are at twice the risk of having a heart attack compared to individuals that have never smoked. It is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease such as coronary heart disease; High blood pressure, blood pressure can become dangerous the higher it gets. An increase of blood pressure is an increase of the force of blood against the walls of the arteries, and the higher the blood pressure the higher the likelihood the walls of the arteries can become damaged. This can lead to stiffness of the arteries making them less flexible which can lead to the buildup of cholesterol which can cause atherosclerosis; High levels of cholesterol,  If the body takes in too much cholesterol, even after being used on cells the extra gets deposited inside the artery wall lining which can lead to atherosclerosis. This can occur from unhealthy diet intake; Physical activity, exercising helps reduce blood pressure and the likelihood of obesity, vice versa little physical activity would be a direct cause of coronary heart disease; Diabetes, people with diabetes have the same risk of developing heart disease as a person who has had a heart attack but who doesn’t have diabetes; Obesity, obese individuals are more likely to have high blood pressure, diabetes and high blood fats.

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Coronary heart disease can cause a number of serious treatments if the diagnosis is not done as soon as possible. If your blood vessels are narrow due to a build up of atheroma, or if the symptoms of coronary heart disease  cannot be controlled using medication, surgery may be needed to open up or replace the blocked arteries, in severe cases heart transplants may even be needed if the heart is too damaged to function after a serious buildup of plaque or after a heart attack.

Cancer of the breast is a serious disorder that is very common amongst both ...

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This is a good essay that discusses heart disease and cancer. The facts are correct and it is adequate for pass work. I do feel that the writer could enhance their work a little by building up explanations. There are times when it feels that there needs to be more included to complete the work. ***