Explain the potential factors of TWO predictable and TWO unpredictable major life events on the development of an individual

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P3: Explain the potential factors of TWO predictable and TWO unpredictable major life events on the development of an individual

People will face many different life factors and may change due to the affect it might take with the person as some of the events that take place can be positive and some can be negative.

Madonna’s predictable – childhood Adulthood.

As a child there will be some predictable major life events such as,  school life, career and leaving home, during this stage Madonna was very bright she was a straight A student, the reason I think school was predictable for Madonna was because it’s very crucial for children to go school till a certain age if not professionals could get involved so therefore school was important for Madonna’s although it wasn’t the best experience as she was facing a hard time at home due the fact that she look after her siblings and also the lost of her mother at a very young age, her father wasn’t paying the best attention to her, also it could saddens her to know their house help would be her new step mother, school was a release of stress of family for Madonna, however Madonna took advantage of school because that was her social life as it helped her with her emotional as well Madonna was popular which could be advantage of her making new friends she was also in d cheerleading squad which would give her more chance to socialise even more, school gave Madonna education to be able to motivate her to go further with it, likewise opportunities in future such as university. During Madonna’s adulthood things started to change as she had a plan for herself that once she’s 18 she would leave the house and find opportunities and better life for herself, Madonna left home at the age of 18 to achieve her goals and be a better person that she has always wanted to be, she went to university but didn’t life it so she abandoned it for something she enjoyed more, then she started singing and dancing, Madonna had a goal in life which was to be famous for doing what she enjoys ,Madonna went through a lot of ups and downs before she achieved her goal but the great thing was that Madonna was able to say she made it.although Madonna might have regret leaving her siblings behind or she might have not got raped, but Madonna was happy with her decision because she left behind a lot of unhappiness, and she was independent which was a choice for her.

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Madonna’s unpredictable childhood adulthood.

Madonna faced some unpredictable events when she was a child she went through bereavement ,Madonna mother had cancer and passed away which was a very big shock for her, because she didn’t get to have the mother and daughter bond, although it made Madonna more responsible and stronger as she grows up it also made her independent because maybe if her mother was alive she wouldn’t have left home at the age of 18,” the death of her mother made her who she is today”.it was difficult for Madonna as she taught the new wife ...

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Star rating of 3 This assignment has been written for unit 4 of the BTEC Health and Social Care course. It aims to achieve P3