Fire! Discuss health, safety or security concerns arising from a specific incident or emergency in a health or social care setting.

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M3: Discuss health, safety or security concerns arising from a specific incident or emergency in a health or social care setting.

In a health and social care setting such as a hospital there are many incidents and emergencies that can occur, as I have already discussed in my P4. One emergency I have chosen to discuss in further detail is in the case of a ‘fire’, and the health, safety and security concerns that could arise in this situation.

In the case of a fire, standard procedures and priorities include the evacuation of all individuals inside the building, i.e. the hospital. There are many concerns that are brought up, when discussing emergencies such as a fire taking place within a hospital setting. One of these concerns can include a security breach taking place inside the hospital whilst all the service users are being evacuated. For example during the evacuation procedure, all staff and health care professionals will be busy aiding service users safely out of the building. This could lead to possible risk of theft as all areas and doors will not be locked during the hectic process, which could mean the possibilities of medical, service users or staff property being stolen by somebody seizing the opportunity where there is a lack of security and different priorities than usual.

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Another health concern that could arise in the case of a fire includes the effects of the fire and/or the fire itself harming the service users, health care professionals or any other individual inside the building trying to get out. Usually thick smoke from a fire does not harm individuals, however this can differ when taking into account the level, extent, and duration of exposure to the smoke. Also factors like the age of the individual, individual susceptibility. These all play a significant role in determining whether or not someone will experience smoke-related problems. As many of the service users ...

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