Health and Safety in Care Setting Legislation

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Carry out research into the social, historical and cultural background of the classical roles in morality play, Mankind and Shakespeare’s “The Winter’s Tale.”  Describe the backgrounds, explain the impact upon the theatre and compare and contrast the two periods.


The task I have been given is to research the social, historical and background of classical roles.  The plays in which I have been studying are Mankind and Shakespeare’s “The Winters Tale.”  The play Mankind was written in the late 15th century and “The Winters Tale” in 1611.  Although there are only 100 years between these plays the dialect and purpose are completely different this may be due to the affairs of that time, such as wars, religion, language, purpose, audience and social class .


In the time of “The Winters Tale” it was a relatively peaceful time for example there was no war.  The time of Shakespeare was in the time period of the Renaissance when the studies of art and anatomy were rife.  The people of this time were more monarchy orientated than religiously orientated.  They believed that the monarchy were hand picked by God.  They also feared and followed the example of the monarchy.  The play “The Winters Tale” is mainly about the monarchy it shows.  The difference of social class as King Politeness spies on his soon Floriezel as there has been rumours he has been seeing a shepardess. He finds out the truth and forbids him from seeing Perdita.  Just on the basis of she is a Shepardess.  This shows that the monarchy viewed themselves to good to associate with the lower class.  At the sheep Shearing king polixenes is disgusted at the actions of the people.

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The language used at this time was both poetry and prose.  Both poetry and prose were usually written by educated people as literacy was not very common in the lower classes.  The audience of Shakespeare’s plays were usually a mix of all classes although the higher classes would sit in the theatres   whereas the lower class stood both inside and outside the theatre.  There was more emphasis and interest in art and entertainment at this time compared to that of Mankind. The main forms of entertainment were jesters, bear baiting, theatres and art galleries although this was not the same ...

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