Health and safety legislation. - Health and safety at work act 1974

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Health and safety at work act 1974

This Act is about security and welfare of every person at work, for protecting others against risks to health, also preventing the unlawful acquisition, procession and use of dangerous substances. It is the responsibility of all employers to health, safety ad social well being of that staff contractors, visitors and members of the public on their premises at all times. The main requirement of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations is that employers must carry out risk assessments to eliminate or reduce risks. Employers with five or more employees need to record the significant findings of a risk assessment - it is not necessary to record risk assessments for trivial or insignificant risks. It recommended that staff receive health and safety training to assist in achieving their aims. In every work place maintenance of a working environment for employees that is safe, without risks to health, adequate as regard facilities and arrangement. Employers to minimise the health risks associated with manual handling, a term used to describe activities which involve lifting, carrying, moving, holding, pushing, lowering, pulling or restraining an object, person or animal.

Employers should:

  • avoid the need to lift, carry, push, pull, lower or support loads wherever possible
  • mechanise tasks where they cannot be avoided by the use of trolleys, barrows, lifts or hoists
  • carry out risk assessments, which take into account the work task, the activity involved, individual capacity, working environment and other factors.

Data Protection Act 1998

There are many ways to principle the Act with apply to paper and computer. This helps the health services deals with information which will be held by the service users. All settings need to be aware of the responsibilities the Act place upon them.

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  • Data may only be used for the specific purposes for which it was collected.
  • Data must not be disclosed to other people without the  of the individual who it is about, unless there is legislation or other overriding legitimate reason to share the information (for example, the prevention or detection of crime). It is an offence for Other Person to obtain this personal data without authorisation.
  • Individuals have a right of access to the information held about them, subject to certain exceptions (for example, information held for the prevention or detection of crime).
  • Personal information ...

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This is a very good essay in terms of describing acts and what is required by a care setting in order to comply with them. It has been well researched and is written in a clear and concise style. It could benefit from the writer actually applying the legislation to the care setting. This would demonstrate greater understanding and could be easily achieved through using examples. ****